Page 18 of Love is Cupid

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“Ihave thebestday planned for you today!” I tell Coop excitedly, practically bouncing on my feet.

It had been a busy few days for everyone, and I needed a distraction. Especially after the fiasco with Milo a few nights ago. He’s been giving me stares I can’t quite decipher when he thinks I’m not looking, and the tension is getting to me. So what better way to distract myself and get some space from the guys than to take my favorite little man out for some fun?

“Really?” Coop glances up from the workbook he’d just been finishing homework in.

“Yep! A little bird told me there is a fair going on in the city today,” I say, giving him a mischievous grin.

“The fair?! We’re going to the fair?!” He hops out of his seat with his hands gripping his hair in bewilderment.

“That’s right! So put on some comfy shoes and let’s roll!” I tell him.

“I can’t wait!” Coop exclaims enthusiastically, rocketing from the room. “Dad! True is taking me to the fair!”

Milo had walked out of his room just as Coop went whizzing by. He laughs at his son and looks at me. “The fair?” His tone suggests he’s uncertain.

I hold up my hands to stall whatever worry he has going on in his head. “Don’t worry. I know it’s a school night, but there won’t be as many people there until the weekend. I’ll make sure he doesn’t eat just sweets and is home at a decent time before bed.”

He snorts. “Well, I guess that’s okay then. Just have fun and be safe. I’d go with you two if I didn’t have work.” He rolls his eyes.

“Who’s going where?” Clay asks, emerging from his room at the commotion going on.

“Coop and True are going to the annual fair,” Milo answers for me.

“Oh, sweet! It’s been years since I’ve been to one of those. Mind if I join?” Clay asks hopefully, looking at me.

Well, there goes my distance.

Although, a fair would be a great place to find someone for Clay that’s maybe got an adventurous side. He could benefit from someone that opens him up a bit.

“I don’t see why not. The more, the merrier,” I say with a smile.

“Great. I’ll go change into something not covered in paint,” he replies, looking down at his jeans and white shirt that have very evident paint stains on them.

It’s not long before both boys are ready to go. I offer to drive and we all hop in my car, though Coop doesn’t stop hopping even after he's buckled in. It warms my heart to see him so excited and filled with joy at where we’re going. Clay is quiet as he stares thoughtfully out the window on the drive there.

Thankfully, the fair is set up not too far from the house, so I don’t have to battle traffic long. We park and Coop is out of his door and opening mine for me before I’ve even taken off my seatbelt.

“Come on! I see the first ride I want to go on!” he says, tugging me by my wrist out of the car, and pointing toward a tilt-a-whirl set up on the perimeter of the festival. I let out a grunt when I nearly stumble. The little thing has more strength than I thought he did.

“Careful, Coop. Can’t replace this nanny if you break her,” Clay jokes, sending me a wink when I look back at him.

“Sorry, True,” Coop laughs, easing up on his grip around my wrist.

“Don’t be. Tug away! Let’s get our tickets first, though,” I tell him, steering him as best I can toward the ticket booths lined up just outside the entrance.

The lines are short, so we get our admission bracelets in no time, which allows us to ride any of the rides or play at the booths as much as we want.

I thank Cupid that I chose to eat a light lunch when I see how fast the tilt-a-whirl spins. I’m sure I’d be looking a little green after we ride it if I didn’t. And green is not my color. That’s more of a luck being’s vibe.

Unfortunately, this line is even shorter than the ticket booth lines, so we get on the ride fairly quickly. Coop is vibrating with excitement, while Clay just looks like he’s having a chill day. I, on the other hand, probably look like I’m about to throw up.

“Not a fan of rides?” Clay asks, noticing my tense demeanor.

“Oh, no, I love rides. It’s the spinning I’m worried about,” I reply, forcing a nervous smile. Why couldn’t Coop have wanted to start on the Ferris wheel? I need a little time to warm up to these things.

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