Page 95 of A Touch of Rose

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“I swear to God, Rose, I will… I will…” She searches for a threat that might work on me, but it’s pretty hard since I’m such an open book. “I will take your children to get their first tattoos!” She snaps her fingers like that’s the perfect threat.

“Pretty sure Phoenix and Scotty already got…their…you know what? Never mind!” I say when I see the look of horror on her face. My kids tell me everything. Hell, Phoenix tells me everything, but I get why he hides certain things from Milly. She’s a worrier.

Of course, it’s that exact moment that our herd of children comes stomping through the door.

I look up, watching as Seraphina and Scotty, my twins, and Phoenix enter first. They’re followed by Nissa’s son Troy, Sadie’s son Falcon, Con for short, and a local girl named Dahlia. She’s got her eyes glued to Phoenix. Can’t blame the girl, Nix looks just like my brother did. Handsome little devil. Thank fuck, he doesn’t have the wild side his father had.

The owner of this coffee shop also has kids their age, and I see Scarlett whispering to her little sister Lavender. Scar is the same age as my twins, but Lavender is only thirteen. Their brother, Harlan, is fifteen, but built like a damn tree trunk. They walk in with two local kids that look like troublemakers. Lip piercings, nose rings, and chaos in their eyes.

I don’t know whether to be thankful that Phina is entirely uninterested in them or worried. I see the way my daughter stares at my best friends’ sons. Now, I know those two are trouble, but aren’t all boys at that age?

One look at their faces tells me they are up to mischief. The second Scotty sees me though, he slips on his ‘I'm a good kid’ mask. My son is fooling no one.

Least of all me.

“What are you up to, hmm?” I ask as my boy walks over and kisses my cheek.

“Nothin’!” When I give him a look calling his bullshit, he grins. “Stuff. Don’t worry, no one will be harmed in the making of this epic night.”

“Alright.” I chuckle, shaking my head. I love my son, and as much as I trust that I raised him right, I also know the little fucker is his fathers’ son. “Be safe, look after your sister, and don’t do anything illegal. And if you do–”

“Don’t get caught. Come on Mom, don’t you have any faith in me!” Scotty pouts.

“Of course I do. You’re my good boy.” My words make everyone bark a laugh because Scotty is…well, he’s a lot more like my brother was. He is a good kid, he’s just…spirited.

I’ve been honest with Phoenix and the twins about my past. They know about my worst. I made sure of it. I wanted them to know that even if you find yourself at your lowest point, you can always find your way out of the darkness.

Seraphina took it to heart, and has been the picture-perfect child all her life. Scotty? He decided that meant that no matter how badly he fucked up, we’d always be there… Which is true, but I didn’t think he’d be quite so…free.

“And you?” I ask my nephew.

“I’ll make sure he behaves.” Phoenix chuckles. He’s only about a year older than the twins, but he acts like their watchdog sometimes. Can’t blame him for that, either.

“Well, I’ve got a hot date tonight, so you kids…” I pause. There’s no chance they’ll behave. “Call me if you need bail money,” I chuckle, leaving Milly and the kids.

Once I’m back at our house, I head to the backyard.

We have our own pool, and I find my men exactly where I knew I would.

Holden is lying on a pool float, eyes closed, looking like he’s been asleep for hours. He played in the NHL for five years, before following in my stepfather’s shoes. He’s been coaching high school hockey for the last fourteen years.

Nash and Ren helped me with the twins for the five years Holden was on the ice since we could afford it, and once they were old enough to start school, they both found their own callings.

Nash is a coach with Holden, and Ren helps run several animal shelters.

I spent those five years at home with the twins, writing my first novel. The guys convinced me the only thing stopping me from being a published author was me.

Over a decade later, I still love every minute of it.

Slowly, I strip off my clothes, none of my men have noticed me yet. Once I’m naked, I clear my throat, hands on my hips.

My body has changed over the years. After having twins, and of course, being forty. But my men still chase after me like they’ll never get enough.

“Goddamn, she’s trying to kill us,” Nash groans, climbing out of the pool first.

“Our little slut.” Ren smiles, looking me up and down with hungry eyes.

“Naughty stepsister,” Holden growls, and I can’t help but bite my lip at the sight of him dripping wet.

“Truth or dare?” I ask sweetly.

“Dare!” my men say in unison, and I squeal as I take off running toward the house.

Sometimes I need to run, just so they can catch me all over again.
