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"Mmm," she responds and grabs me tighter and starts kissing me again. I feel my erection rub against her body and decide to stand her up and bring her to bed before we have sex on the couch and risk being discovered by the kids.

We tumble into the bed in my bedroom, our bodies intertwining in a dance as old as time. Every touch is electric, every moan shared between us a testament to the connection we've forged.

Maddie's hands roam over my body, caressing every inch of me with a tenderness that sends shivers down my spine. I can feel myself getting lost in the moment, my thoughts consumed by the feel of her skin against mine. My hands move to the hem of her shirt, tugging it up and over her head to reveal her bra. I lean down to capture one of her nipples in my mouth, teasing it with my tongue until she's moaning my name.

We continue to lose ourselves in each other, our bodies moving in perfect harmony as we explore the depths of our desires. Maddie's fingers trail down my chest and over my stomach, stopping just above my throbbing erection. She gives me a wicked grin before wrapping her hand around me, pumping me slowly at first before picking up the pace. I groan, the pleasure almost too much to handle.

As we move closer to the edge, our movements become frantic, our bodies consumed with a mad desire to reach the summit. Maddie's breath catches in her throat as she grinds her hips against me, her eyes shining with a need that only I can fulfill. I want to be inside her, to feel her nails digging into my back as I claim her over and over again.

"Oh, my God, Roland. I... I want you so badly," she stammers, her eyes widening as I rip her underwear away from her body.

"Maddie... I need to be inside you," I confess, my desire consuming me. I stroke her clit with my index finger, drawing a moan from her mouth. "I want to fuck you so bad, baby."

"On the pill, no condom needed," she mutters.

I take my cock in my hand, and, without any warning, I thrust it inside her. Maddie cries out, her eyes widening as the pleasure takes over. My mouth captures hers, silencing her moans as I take her hard and fast. I can feel my orgasm building and hear her coming the same moment I feel my orgasm rippling through me in waves of pleasure.

The morning sun creeps through the curtains, illuminating the tangled sheets and the woman lying beside me. As I watch Maddie sleep, a contented smile plays on her lips, and I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness. This woman has brought so much joy into my life, and I find myself hoping that we might become something more–a proper family.

Maddie stirs beside me, her eyes fluttering open as she takes in our surroundings. A soft giggle escapes her, and I join her, both of us knowing that we must keep our newfound intimacy a secret from the kids.

"Quick, get dressed," I whisper, my voice laced with amusement. "They'll be up any minute."

Maddie rushes into her bedroom, and I hastily pull on my clothes just as a knock comes at the door. Breakfast has arrived, and as I wheel in the cart laden with pastries and fresh fruit, I catch Maddie's eye, sharing a secret smile with her.

The kids devour their meal, completely oblivious to the shift in our relationship, and I find myself daydreaming about the future–about what life might look like with Maddie by my side. The court case looms over me like a dark cloud, but for the first time in a long while, it feels as though the sun is finally breaking through.

As I leave the hotel room, lingering warmth from Maddie's touch still thrums beneath my skin. I can't help but steal one last glance at her before the door swings shut behind me. She catches my eye, a knowing smile playing on her lips, and I reluctantly tear my gaze away.


"Ready for another day of conquering Europe?" Brett asks with a grin as we head toward our meeting with the marketing company.

"Absolutely," I reply, trying to focus on the task at hand. My thoughts stubbornly drift back to Maddie, but I need to be present for this crucial step in our business expansion.

"Good, because these guys are supposed to be the best," he adds, his excitement palpable. "I've heard they know the European market inside out."

"Let's hope so," I mutter, determined not to get swayed by false promises. I know what these guys have done for other businesses, but each business is unique.

We arrive at the sleek offices of the marketing company, greeted by a woman with a firm handshake and an air of efficiency.

"Welcome," she says, ushering us into a modern conference room filled with graphs and charts on the walls. "As you know, we specialize in tailoring strategies specifically for businesses like yours."

"We know, so let's cut the crap and dive in," Brett says, ever eager to get started. "We're ready to make waves here, and we need your expertise to navigate these waters."

"Perfect," she responds with an amused smile at Brett and launches into a detailed presentation that leaves me feeling both impressed and reassured.

Hours later, we wrap up the meeting, armed with new knowledge and a solid plan for our European marketing. Though the option to eventually transition to an internal department remains a possibility, for now, it seems we've made the right choice in partnering with this team.

"All right, time for phase two," Brett announces, checking his watch. "We've got a boardroom booked at Spaces and a lineup of promising candidates for our European division."

"Let's do it," I reply, the lingering thoughts of Maddie still tugging at my attention, but I push them aside. Sex fantasies will have to wait. I can't stop the grin covering my face at that thought, however.

As we enter the modern workspace of Spaces, the energy is palpable. The receptionist shows us where we will be for the day, and we line up the CVs of the applicants and get started.

We proceed with the interviews, each candidate bringing unique skills and perspectives to the table. As the day wears on, I can't ignore the growing sense of optimism that fills me–not just for our business, but for the life that might await me with Maddie.

"Looks like we've got some solid prospects here," Brett remarks as we wrap up the final interview. "Our European division is shaping up nicely. We made the right decision calling that headhunting business."

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