Page 21 of The Lie of Us

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“Because I’m a fucking coward,” I whispered against her lips before sucking her bottom lip between my teeth. “Because I never deserved you and I never will, but that doesn’t mean a fucking thing right now.”

“What are you doing?” she murmured against my mouth as I released her lip and ran my tongue over the half-moon shapes that were indented in her flesh.

The corners of my lips twitched. “Taking what’s always been mine.”



Kai’s mouth crashed into mine as he slowly pulled my soul from my body. He breathed me in, draining the oxygen from my lungs as his tongue slid against the seam of my lips. I wasn’t thinking straight. The logical part of my brain was screaming at me to get away from him, but I couldn’t listen to it. The sound of my heart beating with his drowned it out.

He always did challenge my heart and mind. He always seemed to be able to override any logical, rational thought that I had. When it came to Kai, I was entirely powerless. Throw some alcohol into the equation and my walls were already lowering. I knew I couldn’t let him in, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy him in the moment. I could regret it tomorrow morning.

All we were simply doing was repeating history.

It was a common theme between us. Kai was broken and I always did like fixing things. He was a problem I wanted to solve, yet I was never able to. Kai’s demons had their claws deep in his skin and he was deep inside my rib cage, making a home out of my heart.

We were toxic. We didn’t belong together, but somehow we couldn’t fight the pull of the tides between us.

Kai’s tongue slid into my mouth, tangling with mine as he deepened the kiss. He was everywhere, surrounding and consuming me. His hands were in my hair, gripping my scalp as he held me against him. His cock was hard, pressing against me through his pants, and I shifted my hips in his lap.

He abruptly broke apart from me, pulling away just far enough that his eyes found mine. “Has there been anyone else?”

I swallowed over the lump in my throat, biting down on my bottom lip as I shook my head. “No one.”

There was a part of me that felt pathetic for the omission. In the past six years, I hadn’t been with another guy. Not intimately in this way. There was one guy that I dated in college, but I never let it get far. The farthest we ever got was making out and it just wasn’t the same. It wasn’t what my soul craved, and I couldn’t help but feel like I was betraying Kai even though he had cast me aside like I was nothing to him.

I didn’t bother asking him because I didn’t want to know.

A low growl escaped him before his mouth crashed back into mine with more urgency. His lips moved against mine, soft like silk, yet brutal and bruising. He was cruel with his words and his kisses and I let him take and take until there was nothing left to give.

Kai dropped his hands down to my waist and slid them around to cup my ass. He lifted me up, just enough before spinning us around, and he laid me down on the couch. This was heading into territory neither of us were used to. We were both still damaged and this wasn’t going to be good for either of us.

His hands wandered down my body as he settled between my legs. His touch felt like flames licking my skin and I squirmed underneath him as his tongue continued its assault against mine. He was consuming me and I would always let him. It was my own toxic trait. I would let Malakai Barclay strip me bare until there was nothing left.

He was my weakness and he knew it. He used it against me and it was my own fault for letting him.

Kai slid his hands down to the waistband of my shorts. His fingers were soft yet urgent as he pulled them down with my underwear. His mouth broke apart from mine and he rocked back onto his knees as he slid them past my feet before dropping them onto the floor beside the couch.

He moved farther away from me and I stared up at him with curiosity. I wasn’t drunk, but I was feeling the alcohol as my head began to swim. It was a deadly combination. You were never supposed to mix drugs and alcohol, yet here I was doing it with him. He was the very drug that had the capabilities to bring me to my knees.

“What are you doing?” I was breathless as I watched him move down the length of the couch until he was lying on his stomach between my legs.

He fell silent and his eyes searched mine for consent as he slid his arms under my thighs. My knees hooked over his biceps as I wet my lips and nodded. His eyelids fluttered shut as he pressed his mouth to my pussy in the softest kiss. A strangled moan escaped me and my head tipped backward in ecstasy as he slid his tongue against me.

“Fuck, Winter,” he growled against my clit as he circled his tongue around it. “You taste just like I remember.”

His mouth was against me as he moved his tongue against my flesh, licking, sucking, tasting and teasing every inch. Kai was skilled with his tongue and he knew exactly what he was doing. My hands found his head and I pushed my fingers through his dirty blond hair as he pinned me down and continued to fuck me with his mouth.

Kai had every one of my firsts. He was the only one who had ever tasted me like this. The only one who could ever bring me to pleasure with their mouth the way he did. I never imagined even letting someone else try.

Kai’s tongue circled around my clit before he slid it along the center of my pussy and pushed it deep inside me. He growled against me as he moved his tongue in and out of me momentarily before moving back to my clit. His fingers dug into the flesh on my thighs as he held me in place and ate me like a starved man.

It wasn’t long before he was pushing me closer and closer to the edge. My head was swimming, the warmth was building in the pit of my stomach and seeping into my veins. I no longer felt like I was drunk from the alcohol. Instead, I was drunk on him—and I hadn’t had my fill yet. I wanted more. My greediness was beginning to take over and I wanted everything he could possibly give me.

It was a vicious cycle. Usually I was the one who was giving and Kai had a habit of taking everything from me. But at the same time, Kai was just the same as me. He gave me every piece of him, even if he didn’t know how to love. He did it in the best way he could.

One last flick of his tongue had me coming apart at the seams. The volcano in the pit of my stomach erupted and my orgasm tore through my body like wildfire. It was spreading, consuming me, and I shattered on his tongue as he continued to lick and taste me, drinking from me until the well ran dry.
