Page 49 of The Lie of Us

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“Well, considering the fact that you’re taking a break from golf, I presume that isn’t going well.”

My throat bobbed. “Just a bit of a rough spot I’m working through.”

She nodded as her eyes trained on mine. Even as she watched me, I noticed the vacancy in them. The way she looked at me, but it wasn’t like she was actually seeing me. She was lost—somewhere far from here.

“Are you seeing anyone?”

My jaw ticked and I pushed my plate before carefully folding my hands on the table. I had ordered a sandwich, but I had yet to eat any of it. I couldn’t be honest with her without fearing she would tell my father. He hated the Reigns. The last thing I needed to do was to add fuel to his raging fire. If he knew about Winter and I, he wouldn’t be happy.

But then again, I never cared much about his happiness.

“I am.”

Her eyes widened. “You are?”

“Yes,” I nodded with my tone clipped.

“Who is it? Do I know her?” There was a touch of hopefulness in her voice and I couldn’t help but feel a stinging sensation in my heart.

I fell silent for a moment as I chose my words carefully. “I would rather not say. Things are new between us and until it’s a sure thing, I would rather keep it private.”

My mother winced as if I had struck her. There was nothing vicious in her expression, instead it was pained and there was a touch of disappointment crinkling the skin around her eyes. “Where did I go wrong with you, Malakai?”


She frowned. “You were never an affectionate kid, but you had a kind, gentle soul. As you got older, you grew colder and distant. Sometimes I can’t help but feel like you’re a stranger.”

I stared at her for a moment as I tried to conceal the disbelief that flooded me. She was always the one who shielded herself from the happenings around her. I didn’t believe her to be that delusional, however. I thought she knew what was going on and just chose to ignore it. The way she spoke, it was as if she was really that detached from reality, from the horrors her husband put me through.

I was at a loss for words. Even though I wanted to lay it all out for her, I knew her mind was doing it to protect her. What kind of person did it make her to stay with a man who took advantage of her and was a monster to her child for that many years? Bringing any of it up wouldn’t help matters.

“I’m sorry you feel that way,” I told her with my voice low.

She dropped her gaze down to the coffee in front of her. “As am I.”

There was a heaviness that settled between us and it felt awkward and unnatural. I felt uncomfortable sitting across from her. I watched her for a moment as she pulled her phone out of her purse and looked at it.

It didn’t take long before she began to ramble about the next charity event she was working. I watched her intently as she began to explain the logistics of it, but I wasn’t fully listening to her. I had tuned her out.

She was right. We were merely strangers in this life now.

And this wasn’t where I belonged.

My mother’s phone rang and she excused herself, claiming she needed to take the call. I assured her it was fine as I pulled out my own and went directly to my messages. I tapped on Winter’s name without any hesitation.


May I see you tonight?

There was no way that giving her any space was going to work.

Not when she was where I belonged.



As I sat at my desk at the library, I glanced around and surveyed the area. It was a quiet day and not many people had been there. There were a few college students sitting at different tables, but other than that, the place was relatively empty. I had already put the returned books away and there wasn’t much left for me to do.
