Page 148 of Forever By Morning

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“Where are you taking me?”

“You’ll see.”

I was learning to enjoy the ride when it came to Beckett’s surprises. Storm picked his way down the path from the taproom and we galloped our way across the field as the sun dipped lower in the sky.

The breeze felt nice after the heavy heat of the afternoon. Beckett’s familiar scent and the speed of Storm’s powerful stride inched up the exhilaration of the day. I was laughing by the time we made it to the maze of trails on the outskirts of the orchard.

I was beginning to learn where the heck I was on the vast property, but I knew this path best.

Where he took me that first day and so many days after.

When Storm climbed up the last path leading to the spring, my mouth dried up.

The old oak tree was strung with lights and a cove had been built out from the spring, creating an intimate space.

“Oh, Beckett.”

“It’s our place, I wanted to make it a little more special.”

“It’s beautiful.”

He swung a leg off Storm and dropped to the ground then reached up for me.

I curled my arms around his shoulders and let him slide me down his body. “Is this why you made sure my dress had plenty of room?”

“I’m always ready to get under your skirt, girl.” He held me tightly, my feet dangling as he kissed me sweetly. “But yes, that’s why.”

“You did this for me?”

He nodded and set me down. “For us, but yes.” He dropped the reins by the edge of the clearing for Storm to eat his fill, then slipped his hand in mine and led me up the wide stones to the oak tree.

There was a fire pit and an area to eat, but he drew me toward the tree.

“Beckett, what’s…”

He pulled me in front of him and went down on one knee.

“Oh, God.” My hands went to my mouth.

“It only seemed right to do this where we started. Where wereallystarted. When I brought you here, I thought it would just be a little something to impress a pretty girl.”

I laughed and couldn’t stop the tears from filling my eyes.

“And while it might have started out that way, the moment I touched you here I knew we were different. That I wasn’t ever going to be the same. I didn’t know quite how much, but I felt the shift even then.” He slipped his hand into his pocket and came out with a black box.

Nerves jangled in my chest and came out with only his name.

He flipped it open and a round diamond in a simple bezeled setting winked up at me. The sides were slightly flared with delicate scrollwork that flowed into a thin band. “I love you. I knew it right away, but it’s only gotten stronger with every day. Marry me?”

My hand shook as I held it out. “Yes. A thousand times yes.”

He slid the ring over my left ring finger. It fit. Of course it did. Every part of me had been built to fit him. Somewhere down deep, I’d known it since the very first day.

He scooped me up and kissed me under the old oak tree.

“I just have one question,” I said breathlessly as we finally pulled apart.

His brows furrowed. “Anything.”

“Can we get married here too? It doesn’t have toherehere, but on the property—“

He kissed the rest of the words out of my mouth.

I guessed that was a yes.
