Page 10 of The Boss Deal

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There are voices in the front of the bakery. I hear Vanessa do her nervous laugh, it’s distinct: a loud cackle that sounds almost like a cat in heat.

I better get out there before she embarrasses herself.

Giving myself one last look in the mirror, I tug on the bottom of my shirt, and fiddle with my hair, tucking one loose strand behind my ear.

Good enough.

Opening the door, Vanessa is facing me, and the investor has his back to me. His head is down, and it looks like he’s examining her tray of cupcakes. Steph smiles and gives me a light wave, I smile back.

Vanessa notices me, her eyes brighten as she claps her hands. “Here she is, our expert with media arts. Mr. Torro, this is Misty Glensdale.”

“Please,” he says, lifting his head up, and twisting to look at me as he’s still talking to her. “Call me Nick.” His eyes meet mine as he finishes his name, and I see the same shock in his face that I feel inside.

Holy fucking shit. . .

It’s him. You have got to be fucking kidding me!

The air is suddenly gone around me and I can’t catch my breath. I’m trying, I’m trying like hell to ease the sudden strain on my lungs.

This isn’t happening. It can’t be happening.

Blinking one clean blink, I’m hoping like hell his face morphs into someone else when I open my eyes.

It doesn’t. It’s still him.

Same sexy dark hair, tousled to perfection. I’m not sure if it’s all messy because of me, or if he styled it this way. Bold, striking green eyes capture me where I am, freezing me in place. And his lips, those fucking lips. My pussy throbs with shadowed memories, and my clit ignites with liquid fire.

I’m wet. My cheeks flush, and I find myself wiping sweat off my forehead. My mouth opens, ready to speak, but the words are stuck in my throat. I can’t get them out, my mouth is dry.

Inadvertently, my eyes drop below his belt, and he catches it.

His surprise fades, turning into a sly grin. “Misty, is it?” he asks as he steps forward. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Vanessa has basically talked you into a goddess of your craft. Do you think your reputation precedes you?”

“I—well, I—”

Vanessa steps up, saving me from having to answer and giving me a few more seconds for this shock to settle. “Misty isn’t the type of girl who’s going to sit here and pat herself on the back. She’s really great at what she does, but she’s always looking for ways to do it better.”

Nick’s jaw jets to the side as his eyes lick my body and his tongue tempts the opening of his mouth. I’m not sure if Vanessa and Steph see the look in his eyes, but I do. I can feel it all the way in my bones.

He strolls forward, wrapping his arms behind his back. “I’ve been impressed so far,” he says to Vanessa as he leans over to look in the glass case. “Now it’s your turn, Misty. Impress me, give me something to think about.”

I can see his breath fan out across the clear surface, then disappear as he breathes in. There’s a hidden meaning to what he’s asking me, it’s written all over his tone.

All right, he wants to play this game. We can play.

“Well, in the last year, with my marketing plan, Vanessa has seen a thirty percent growth in sales from outside vendors. She’s now supplying baked goods to a handful of hotel chains for their breakfast service.”

His reflection is perfect in the glass. Every feature, from the way his eyebrow quirks up on one side, to the small twitch in the corner of his lip.

A chill scales my spine as he stands up straight, running a finger across the top of the counter, and feeling the leaf on a plant.

He rubs his thumb and forefinger together, lifting them to his nose, and casually rubbing his upper lip. His eyes set on mine, sending my heart into my throat. His lids drop to half mast, and he inhales a slow, deep breath as his fingers move back across his face.

Did he? He did. Nick just revisited his fingers as if my scent’s still there. His eyes flutter behind semi closed lids, his smile is teasingly delicious. I know I’m turning red; I can feel it as it spreads from my cheeks to my neck, and curls around my ribs.

“It’s a start,” he says, smirking at me before turning back to Vanessa. “So, two more stores in New York, one in New Hampshire. Are you planning on changing up the menu for each area?” Nick walks back to the sample tray, picking up a muffin, and taking a bite. “What’s this one?” he asks.
