Page 14 of The Boss Deal

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Fuck, he looks so damn good.

In fitted jeans, chucks, and a plain blue t-shirt, the simplicity is jaw dropping. The fabric of his short sleeves squeezed his biceps, and his muscles bite back, threatening to tear the stitches apart.

His hair is loose, moving easily across his forehead as the wind blows. A cut jawline, sharp with angles, and a light shadow of hair, make my thighs clench together and my pussy tingle. Even behind the sunglasses I feel the heat off his eyes, and my entire body ignites like a fuse.

This man is going to destroy me, I just know it.

Nick smiles, stepping off the wall, and coming to the cab. His muscles tense with each step, bulging and thickening as he moves. Resting his arm against the roof, he leans in the passenger window, and hands the driver some money. “Here, keep the change.”

“You don’t need to do that. I can pay him.” Digging in my purse, I pull out my wallet and start to open it.

He crooks his jaw and shakes his head. “I’m sure you can, but I beat you to it.” Nick opens my door to let me out. “Are you as excited for this as I am?”

Rolling my eyes, I walk to the back of the cab, and open the trunk. “Excited? No, not exactly. I’m ready for it to be over.”

“Come on,” he says, reaching into the trunk and taking out my luggage. “It’ll be fun. You get a little break from the city, a paid vacation by work, what could be better than that?”

“First of all, I didn’t agree to this, you put me here. I don’t know what your secret plan is, but it isn’t going to work.” I grab the handle for my suitcase, but Nick quickly grabs my arm, holding me in place.

“I plan on having a good time, and so should you.” He releases my arm, softly running the very tips of his fingers down to my hand. “Life’s about having fun, Misty.”

The hair on my arms stand up, and my whole body shivers. Nick licks his lips as he pulls the suitcase from my grasp and carries it to his car.

I’m frozen in place. Whatever spell he just cast on me is working. My pussy is dripping, my nipples are tender and perked as my stomach fills with butterflies.

“You coming? Or do I need to pick you up and carry you too?”

Shaking my head, I reground myself. “I’m coming,” I say, walking to his car and dropping into the passenger seat. Nick closes my door and moves to the front, waiting for the traffic to pass so he can get in.

I take a second to look around quickly before he climbs inside with me. His car isn’t as fancy as I expected. I pictured him driving a Mercedes or a BMW, but to my surprise, it’s just your classic sedan.

It’s clean, no frills, no fancy leather, or computerized dashboard. Twisting the air freshener that’s dangling from the mirror in my direction, I smell it. It’s not a new car scent or one of those pine tree scents, it’s green tea and lavender. Glancing out the windshield, Nick is still waiting for traffic to stop, so I pop open his glove box. Nothing.

There’s no trash or dirt in the car anywhere. The windows are crystal clear and there isn’t a speck of dirt on the floor.

“Okay,” he says, sitting down and putting the key in the ignition. “Let’s do this.”

“Your car is super clean, like too clean.”

“What can I say, I like keep things tidy.” He checks his mirrors, and the car jerks forward as he pulls into the street.

“If this is how you keep your car, I can’t imagine your house.”

“Well, maybe you’ll have to come over one day.” He looks over at me briefly, and my heart hammers inside my chest.

Turning away, I look out my window. “Not going to happen. I don’t even want to know where you live.” Tucking my hands under my thighs, I just watch the buildings as we drive out of the city.

I’m standing my ground. Nick might be flirty, he might be one of those guys who thinks because he had it once, he can have it whenever he wants. But he’s wrong. We are a one-time thing.

My best friend is interested in him, and I’m not going to screw up our relationship for some guy. Not going to happen.

“Well, I live just over the line in Connecticut.” he says, “Now, why don’t you tell me something about yourself.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know, something interesting.”


“Because we have a four hour drive ahead of us, and I don’t want to do it in silence.”

Arching my brows, I lean forward, and turn on the radio. “There, problem solved.”

Nick chuckles, running his hand across his jaw. His eyes are flicking between the road and me, but his smile, his smile is making me weak in the knees.
