Page 24 of The Boss Deal

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Grabbing her hand, I hold her still. “Easy, I don’t want this to end just yet,” I say.

Pinching her chin with my other hand, I tilt her head up and look into her eyes. Misty inhales a deep breath, her chest expands rapidly, and she tugs her bottom lip into her mouth.

Pulling her face to mine, I kiss her.

Her mouth opens easily, accepting everything I have to give. Our tongues lick and swirl, moving around each other as I move Misty where I want her.

Walking forward, I wrap an arm around her hip, and spin so her she’s facing the table. Pushing her shoulders down, she splays open palms on the steel. I can see the heat off her body as she leaves palm prints.

The metal steams as her fingers arch and the pads of her fingers hold her in place. Exhaling a heavy breath, she moans softly. “Mm.”

“You like when I take control?” I ask, and she nods, unable to speak.

My hands work anxiously to tear her pants down. My cock hurts, it needs her, it needs to be inside her. Running the tip of my cock up the center of her pussy, I rub the coconut oil from my dick around her entrance.

She presses up on the tip of her toes and pushes her ass back. “Fuck me, Nick,” she says as she looks back at me over her shoulder.

There’s no hesitation in her voice, she knows exactly what she wants, and she accepts it easily. Me.

She nibbles her bottom lip lightly, sucking her cheek into her mouth. Her back arches and she lifts her ass higher. My hand pushes up her shirt, exposing the smooth dips and defined muscles of her back.

Tracing a single finger up her spine, I slip my hand into her hair and wrap it around my fist. Jerking her head back, I pull her upright, and press my mouth to her ear. “You want me to fuck you,” I say, licking the shell of her ear.

She nods gently and lets out an audible gasp I bite her shoulder. “Yes, I want you to fuck me.”

Slamming my dick inside her, she groans loudly. It comes from deep in her chest, hard and thick, but full of satisfaction. I’m inside her now, it’s exactly what her body is demanding.

My hand slips back down her back, following her spine, until I reach her ass. Pulling my cock back, I grab her ass, and thrust back in. A delicate noise escapes her as she bites down on her bottom lip and her eyes snap shut.

Misty throws her ass back as I pull out, her body refusing to let me go. I love watching her pussy devour me, the way her nipples turn stiff, and her skin flushes pink.

Shifting my hips forward, I meet her ass as she pushes back, and it sends my dick in deeper. I’m buried to my base, my fingers coiling in her hair as I pull her head back harder.

Grunting, I lean forward, slipping my hand under her belly and holding her up. Her hands are open on the table, arms locked straight as she digs her feet into the ground to stay in place.

“Fuck,” I growl, running the sharp edges of my teeth across the side of her neck as I pump in and out of her body.

My hips move faster, harder, and with full promise of making her come. Her thighs clamp together as the tips of her fingers scrape the table and she falls forward. Misty’s mouth forms the perfect O as she trembles from head toe.

I can feel her body shake, it moves from her skin to my touch instantly, making my balls firm. With one final thrust, chills explode outward, moving down my legs and up my chest as I come hard. My dick twitches, throbbing as it pumps hot cum deep into her heat. Jerking over and over, my cum starts to spill from her entrance, seeping down the back of her legs.

Pulling out, I grab a hand towel off the table and wipe my cock off. Misty grabs another towel and starts to wipe herself. She’s smiling at me, her grin sexy and dirty.

“You really are bad, you know that?”

“I never said I wasn’t.” Fixing my clothes, I chuckle.

“What?” she asks. “What’s so funny?”

“The side of your face is covered in flour.”

“Is it?” Misty glances at the table, and there’s a clear spot of where her face was. Giggling, she takes a paper towel and wipes the flour off her cheek. “You’re also messy.”

The timer dings, grabbing both our attention. “Perfect timing,” I say as I nod at the ovens.

Misty puts on two oven mitts and grins. She pulls the cakes out of the oven one at a time and sets them on the table. Slipping the mitts off, she sets her hands on her hips.
