Page 30 of The Boss Deal

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His hands move into my hair, and he tugs my head to the side. It’s enough for his tongue to drive deeper, and my heart to beat faster. Our lips feverishly tangle, our tongues lick and wrap and coil together.

I let out a slow exhale as my body bends against the hood. Nick presses himself in closer, his body arching over mine. He slides a hand down my side and slips it into my pants. Cupping my pussy, he rubs his palm against my clit.

Moaning, I dig my heels into the bumper and spread my legs wider. “I need you, Nick, I need you here and now.”

Nick growls low as he pulls his hand from my pants and tears the button open. There’s so much desire in his hands, it makes me hot and wet. Lifting my hips, he shifts my pants down, and pulls his dick out.

He’s hard, firm, and stroking his cock up and down as he licks his lips. “I’ve needed you since the second I laid eyes on you.”

He rubs his engorged tip up and down my pussy, teasing me, drawing out more moans as it drags over my clit. I can feel my body melting, dripping, my pussy clenching at air, eager for his cock to be inside.

In one quick thrust, he pushes his dick deep, and I feel completely filled up. Nick lets out a thick grunt as his palms clutch the hood by my head and he pulls his hips back.

There’s a moment between us, where our eyes are on each other and every sound around us goes quiet. I can hear my heart beating in my chest, and the sound of my breathing as I inhale and exhale.

Nick’s eyes hold mine, and I suddenly realize how much I need this man in my life. I feel grounded and whole. I feel unstoppable in a world with walls.

He drives back in hard and fast, causing me to arch back and tip my head. My eyes snap shut as a rush of tingles zip up and down my body. Fireworks explode in my mind as the orgasm spreads through my body.

My body unfurls as Nick thrusts hard and deep. He’s savage, digging the tips of his fingers into the metal hood as he fucks me like I’m the air he needs to breathe. With one hard thrust, Nick moans as his face falls against my chest. His cock throbs and twitches as it fills me with hot cum.

Twisting his face, Nick relaxes on my chest. His hands grip my shoulders and he holds me like he’s afraid I’m going to jump up and run off.

But I’m not going anywhere. I love him. Nick owns me, he owns my body, my heart, and my soul.

Love isn’t something you can plan or manipulate. You can have it and lose it, you can own it and let it go.

In the end, love does what it wants, and it finds you when you least expect it.

I’m so glad love came back to me.



Six Months Later

Pushing open the door to the bakery, I’m holding a heavy box, full of the new menus.

“Hello?” I call out, setting the box on the table and wiping the sweat from my forehead. I listen for a second, expecting to hear someone answer me back, but all I get is silence. “Hello?” I ask again, about to go into the kitchen.

“Hey, baby, you’re here early.” Misty’s hands are covered in flour as she pushes through the kitchen door. Wiping her hands on a towel, she smiles and comes in to kiss me. “Was the traffic bad?”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “It wasn’t bad at all. I left early enough to miss the morning rush.”

“That’s good,” she says, her eyes floating to the box. “Are those the new menus?” she asks excitedly. Shaking my head yes, she darts for the box. “I thought they’d never come.”

Our life looks a little different these days. We fell in love with this town, and we just couldn’t stay away. So, we took another chance together.

We uprooted our lives and decided to give change a try. Misty is the new specialty cake baker, and I mostly focus on managing the bakery.

Birthdays, holidays, weddings, Misty can make anything, and she’s damn good at it.

She still helps with marketing for all the stores, and Vanessa couldn’t be happier. She loves knowing the bakery is in good hands.

The pace here is a little slower, which I actually really enjoy. The roads aren’t packed with cars, honking horns and smog filled air.

“They’re gorgeous,” Misty says, holding one up and flipping through the pages. “I love them! They came out so good.”

“So, are you almost done here? We’re still on for our dinner date tonight, right?”

“We are, but. . .” she says pausing, dropping the menu back into the box, and holding up two fingers. “I’ve got something to show you first.”
