Page 11 of Toxic Obsession

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Sucking her nipple between my teeth, she hissed as I twisted the other between my fingers. She tasted and felt better than I imagined. I rolled my tongue over the hard peak again before switching and repeating the same slow torture to the other one. Her gaze glazed over, but she didn't break eye contact.

Cupping her tits, I slowly brushed the calloused pad of my thumb over her nipples as I slid my lips along the side of her throat, stopping at her ear.

"Do you want me to touch you, Sadie?" I breathed against her throat before brushing my lips against the shell of her ear. Her chest rose and fell with deep, ragged breaths, but she didn't answer. "Are you wet for me?" Shoving my hand inside the front of the sweats I'd loaned her, I realized she had no panties on. I swallowed hard. Not bending her over and taking her right here would be a challenge, but I wanted her to beg me for it. I wanted her to admit she wanted me to fuck her, which may take more convincing. Her body tensed as my hand cupped her before sliding a finger through her very wet pussy. "Oh, Sadie girl, you're soaking wet for me." My other hand slid up her back, tangling into her hair, fisting it in my fingers so I had complete control of her head. "Tell me to stop, Sadie," I whispered, brushing the pad of my thumb across her swollen clit. She bucked her hips forward when my thumb was gone, already begging for more. I smiled against her cheek.

Pulling back, my eyes locked on hers again. I wanted to watch her come all over my hand, and my guess was it wouldn't take much. I slid my finger through her wetness, slowly teasing her as my thumb found her clit rubbing slow circles over it. A whimper echoed through the quiet night as she pushed into my touch.

She bit down hard on her bottom lip but didn't lose my gaze even though I could tell her eyes wanted to roll back.

"Tell me what you want, Sadie," I breathed against her lips. She moaned as I added more pressure. "Do you want me to make you come?" She didn't respond. She was fighting a battle with herself. She hated me, but right now, she wanted me. A war was raging between her head and her heart. Her heart was saying fuck yeah, we want to come, but her head was saying tell him to fuck off.

Let's see which one wins.

"Answer me, Sadie."

She didn't answer. I stopped.

"Yes," she cried out. "Yes, I want you to make me come." A smile spread across my face as I plunged my finger back inside her. She cried out, the muscles in her arms flexing as she gripped the pillar tighter.

"Fuck, Sadie." I slowly pumped in and out of her. "You are so tight. How many cocks have been inside this pussy?" I added another finger, stretching her. I would guess not many. Her breathing hitched as I rubbed my thumb over her clit, driving my fingers deeper inside her, looking for that perfect rhythm.

Tightening my grip on her hair, I jerked her head back. A moan escaped her parted lips, and I crushed my lips against hers, swallowing her moans, pushing my tongue past her lips, and tasting her. Her tongue met mine for a brief minute before her mouth fell open on another moan, this one louder. I sped up and her body vibrated against mine. Fuck! She tensed as her pussy walls pulsated around my fingers, but she still didn't break eye contact.

Thrusting my fingers deeper simultaneously with one more flick of her clit, her body shook as she exploded all over my hand. Her hands fell free as her body went limp, falling into me. I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her to me, feeling her quickened breaths and pounding heart against my body as she came down from her high.

"Omigod," she panicked when she realized she'd let go of the pillar. "I—"

I released a breathy laugh. My heart was pounding just as hard as hers.

"I'll make the call tonight." I panted and her head dropped to my chest. "She'll be Taylor's girl by morning." After that, I could care less about her fingers.



Until five minutes ago,the night had gone better than expected. I was nervous when he led me up this porch, but I'd be lying if I said it was anything less than mind-blowing. The thrill of being seen, his touch, the kiss—it had all made me believe this wouldn't be as bad as I thought. He made me want him in a way I'd never wanted anyone, but now I was terrified.

With my head still lying on his chest, I could hear his heart pounding just as hard as mine. Sucking in a breath, he cleared his throat.

"Be at the team house tomorrow night," he said abruptly, shoving me off him. Something had shifted. He was acting differently. "I'll keep my end of the deal as long as you keep yours." He brushed himself off, straightening his clothes as I unhooked my shirt from behind her head, covering my bare breast.My cheeks burned as the reality of what just happened sank in.

"What happens tomorrow?" I straightened my clothes to avoid eye contact.

"Your Rally Girl initiation," he muttered. My eyes snapped to his, growing wider as the words hit me. His mood had changed. Actually, his entire personality had shifted, and I couldn't explain why. He was now cold and withdrawn.

"Wait," I gasped when he turned to leave me without another word. "Rally Girl initiation?" He nodded. "As in, more than one guy at a time?" I'd only negotiated Alyssa out of the initiation. It never dawned on me to worry about myself.

"While I watch." His eyes were eerily dark. He was suddenly a different person. I felt the color drain from my face, and my stomach churned like I might be sick. "Unless you've changed your mind." Swallowing hard, I shook my head. I was in this now; there was no turning back. I had to fix what I'd messed up for Alyssa. "Good, see you tomorrow."

Watching him disappear out of view, I stood frozen in place. I'd never been with one man, and tomorrow I would have to handle multiple. A wave of nausea washed over me.

* * *

The following morning, I sat in the student center just like every other morning, but today, I was alone. Neither Alyssa nor Drew had shown up to study like we'd done almost every day since freshman year, and it was all Jayden's fault. He was slowly consuming and controlling my whole life.

Trying to focus on my studies, I sucked in a deep breath, willing myself to relax, but the constant need to look over my shoulder was overwhelmingly strong. I was paranoid. Jayden had made me paranoid. Chill out, Sadie.

"Sadie?" a female voice asked. My head snapped up defensively. I nodded, forcing a polite smile. "Hey." She dropped onto the couch beside me. "I'm Ella."
