Page 12 of Toxic Obsession

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"Hi." I scowled. I'd been a student at this school for three years, and I'd never been the type that made friends easily. So, I couldn't help but be cautious of this girl's intentions.

"Rumor is that you are Jay's Rally Girl this year," she said. Of course, that's what this was about.

"That is the rumor," I muttered, shifting my attention back to my books.

"Jay hasn't had a Rally Girl since freshman year," she said. "Inquiring minds want to know how you changed that."

"I told him to fuck off." I flashed her a sarcastic smile before turning back to my books.

"You are so funny." She laughed.

I rolled my eyes. I wasn't being funny."Did you need something? I'm a little busy." I nodded toward the books in my lap.

"I thought you might want some pointers on how to deal with Jay." My gaze flashed up to her, my eyes narrowing. Ella was tall, thin, and blonde. She looked like a typical Rally Girl. "I was Jay's first and only Rally Girl freshman year."

Slamming my book closed, I gave Ella my undivided attention. I was stuck with Jayden for the time being, so anything that could or would give me the upper hand was a bonus. I was supposed to meet Jayden at the team house in a few hours, and I was terrified.

"Do you still have a relationship with Jayden?"

"No." She huffed out a laugh. "Jayden doesn't do relationships. He makes it a point every chance he gets to tell you it's not a relationship, and you're nothing more to him than a fuckable blowup doll. He ensures there's zero intimacy in sex or anything else he does."

"Sounds about right."

"Look," she lowered her voice, "Jayden is a sadistic fuck. I don't know what happened to him to screw him up like that, but it must have been bad. Or maybe he's just a psychopath."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you want to take a walk?" She glanced over her shoulder without moving her head. I nodded, quickly shoving my things into my bag.

"What did he do to you?" I asked once we were away from the student center.

"I didn't know what I was getting into," she said. "I was a freshman, and all my friends wanted to be Rally Girls, so I did too." I nodded, urging her to continue. "Jayden likes to share but only on his terms. He likes to watch," she said, pulling me into an empty alley. "He likes to watch his friends tear you to pieces and then force you to your knees when they're done with you, adding that little bit of extra humiliation." She paused, leaning forward and searching the for anyone who might be able to hear her. "When he does fuck you, he'll bring you right to the edge and then force you to your knees."

"And when you're on your knees?" I was pretty sure I already knew the answer to my question, but I wanted to hear it from her.

"He likes you to wear his come," she whispered. "His touch is usually brutal, and he doesn't kiss, and if you try, you'll pay. He doesn't like to be touched, and if you try, you'll pay."

My mind flashed back to last night. He'd kissed me. He'd given me a mind-blowing orgasm. He hadn't forced me to my knees, but he'd been cold after. His entire personality shifted. Was that why? He didn't follow his own rules, and now I was going to pay for it.

"Are you saying Jayden forced you?"

"No." She laughed. "He didn't. The funny thing is he has a way of making you believe it's what you want, and truthfully, I'd do it again. Being Jayden's Rally Girl comes with power." Power? I almost laughed. Even if she was right, I didn't want that kind of power. I wanted him to leave me alone. "No one would dare fuck with anything that is Jayden's."

"I'm confused." I scowled. "Then why aren't you his Rally Girl?"

"He didn't even keep me the whole season before he traded me out," she said, rolling her eyes. "And he hasn't officially taken another Rally Girl since." She narrowed her eyes questioning eyes. "So why did he take you?"

I shook my head. I had no idea why Jayden wanted to torture me.

"Just a warning." She smiled. "Jayden is unpredictable. He can go from hot to cold in milliseconds. He's someone you don't want as an enemy."

"Do you know anything about him?"

"He's a super private person." She shrugged. "If you even ask him something about himself—"

"I'll pay," I cut her off. She nodded.

"Initiation is the worst," she said. "And you've already survived that." But I hadn't. I hadn't experienced it yet. My stomach churned as flashbacks of the blonde girl on initiation night flooded back. "Just don't be surprised if he drops you soon." I wanted him to drop me now. How do I get him to do that? "I have to go." She flashed a smile.
