Page 14 of Toxic Obsession

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"Don't ask questions," he said, leaning down to me, his jaw flexing. "Get in."

Everything about him screamed I will murder you right now, and no one would care. A normal person would be terrified, shut their mouth, and got in the truck but not me.

"No." I scowled. "I'm not going anywhere with you, psycho."

"Then go inside," he said, pointing at the house. "They're on the second floor waiting for you."

Never mind, I'm going. I hopped in the truck, and he slammed the door.

He jogged around the front of the truck before sliding in and slamming his door behind him.

"If you say a word about anything you see or hear tonight," he growled, grabbing my wrist and jerking me halfway over the center console. "I'll make sure your friend suffocates on a cock."

I swallowed hard as his message came through loud and clear.



Staring out the window,I sat quietly, trying to memorize my surrounding in case I needed to make a quick getaway. I had no idea where we were going, but we'd been driving around forty-five minutes, meaning we had left Waterford.

It was literally killing me not knowing where we were going or what we were doing, but he'd told me not to ask questions.

"Where are we going?"

"I told you not to ask questions," he muttered, not taking his eyes off the road.

"That's never stopped me before." I grinned sarcastically. "So why change now?"

"Because I told you not to."

"You lost me at the word told."

"Would you shut up if I asked nicely?"

"Probably not," I answered honestly. "Do you know how to be nice?"

"No, being nice is overrated."

I rolled my eyes.

Jayden swerved the truck down a dark road and into a rundown neighborhood. I wanted to ask why we were here but knew it was pointless because he wouldn't tell me. He eased his truck into the driveway of what looked to be an abandoned old wood-framed house. The acorns popping under his tires echoed through the quiet truck, making me jump.

"Stay here," he ordered, sliding out of his truck and shutting the door before I had a chance to protest. Staring into the darkness surrounding me, I reached out, hitting the automatic door lock button. This wasn't the type of neighborhood where a girl should sit alone in a car at night.

Thankfully before long, Jayden appeared from the blackness inside the doorway of the house, cradling a petite dark hair girl in his arms. I hit the unlock button and jumped out to help him holding the truck door open for him. It was a woman, and she appeared to be unconscious.

He carefully placed her in the passenger's seat. She was important to him, whoever she was. His touch was tender as he ensured she was comfortable—he did have a gentle side.

He slammed the door shut, and anxiety clawed at my throat. Was he going to leave me here? His fingers curled around my upper arm as he jerked me toward the front of his truck, and just like that, the tenderness he'd had with her was gone. He was angry, and I would have to pay for whatever that girl did.

"Ow," I squealed. "You don't have to drag me around. Would a 'please' kill you?"

He laughed, but there was no humor in it. I jerked against his hand, but he only tightened his grip.

"You see that black car," he said, pointing across the small corner lot to a black Ford Mustang GT sitting by itself parked along the curb. I nodded. "Follow me in it." He jerked my hand up, slamming the keys into it. "Don't do anything stupid." He dropped my hand with the keys, and I made my way to the black Mustang.

Driving in an unfamiliar area in a car that wasn't mine made me nervous. Not to mention I was pretty sure Jayden would murder me if anything happened to this car. I couldn't help but wonder who the girl was as I closely followed Jayden's truck.
