Page 18 of Toxic Obsession

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"I gave it to her," Alyssa smiled, tossing her long blonde hair over her shoulder as she strolled through the doorway into the kitchen of the team house. "But I don't think she's going to wear it." She leaned against the countertop.

This morning I sent Alyssa to Sadie's to drop off her costume to our annual game day event with strict instructions for Sadie. Each team had its own cheerleading uniform that represented each of the teams in tonight's game, and I couldn't wait to see her in the tiny red and black uniform with a football emblem stitched in the center of the crop top. "In fact, I believe her exact words were, you can tell him to go fuck himself."

"Did you tell her there would be consequences if she didn't?" I tried to hide my excitement.

"I did." She laughed. "But she's not scared of you."

Alyssa left the room, and a smile spread across my face. I knew she wasn't scared of me, and it turned me on; her defiance, smart mouth, and sassy attitude the whole package did something to me. A part of me hoped she didn't show up tonight in her uniform. The consequences would be so much more fun.

"Everything's ready, man," KJ said, blowing out a breath as he set two cases of beer on the granite countertop, already filled with every type of liquor imaginable. "When will your girl be here."

"We may have to go get her." His gaze flicked up, locking on mine as the corners of his mouth turned up. This night just got a whole lot more interesting.

"Hell yeah," he chanted. "A little fun before the game. I'm down."

It was no secret that I got off watching my friends fuck their girls or Ella, the only Rally Girl I'd had before Sadie. We'd always shared girls, but something about the idea of watching them fuck Sadie twisted my stomach in a knot.

"Go make sure the rest of the team has a plan," I ordered, changing the subject. KJ left the room to round up the team to go over a game plan, and after a slow, deep breath to clear my mind, I followed him.

* * *

At exactly 10:15, I sat on the tailgate of my truck, my gaze fixed down the road toward Sadie's house while KJ and Ethan tossed a football back and forth under the one streetlight.

"Game starts in forty-five minutes." Carter groaned. "Where's your girl?"

"She's not coming." I glanced at my watch. Sadie was fifteen minutes late. A rush of adrenaline surged through me as I hopped to my feet. She'd chosen the route I'd hoped she would. "Let's go get her."

Sadie lived about two blocks from Jock Drive, the road that housed all of the University athletes, in a small rental just before the block of Sorority and Frat houses. It was a small white one-bedroom wood frame house with a large front porch. Like most of this town, the street only had one streetlight, which didn't quite reach Sadie's place.

"What's the plan?" Ethan whispered as we crept into the shadows around her house.

I didn't have a plan, but I knew what I wanted to do to her. It was all I could think about all afternoon. I wanted to make her come while they watched.

The house was quiet, so more than likely, she was already in bed. Memories flashed back to my sister's house, to how she tasted, how she moaned, and how she felt, and I couldn't wait to get my hands on her.

"Grab the key," I whispered, pointing to the spot Alyssa said the key would be under the front porch mat. KJ lifted the mat, and sure enough, there it was. We had thirty minutes before game time. "Let's go have some fun." The corners of my mouth curved into a smile as I pulled my black hoodie over my head.

Sadie was curled into a ball underneath her blanket. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, and my heart pounded against my chest as I stood over her, peering down. She was a deep sleeper. We hadn't exactly been silent coming in.

KJ, Ethan, and Carter surrounded her bed, waiting for my signal to pounce on their prey.

Her room was dark, but the nightlight on the nightstand lit up the room enough to see clearly. My gaze flashed to KJ as I backed away from the bed. A slight nod of my head signaled him it was go-time.

KJ jerked Sadie out of bed, jolting her out of her sleep. He wrapped one arm around her waist and the other over her eyes as she let out a blood-curdling scream, twisting against 'his grip. Ethan and Carter stepped in to help, but she fought, struggling to free herself from their hold.

She could scream as loud as she wanted tonight. It was game night in this college town. No one would suspect a thing.

KJ threw her face down on the bed, using his body weight to restrain her with her legs hanging off. Kneeling on the bed, I pulled a mask from my pocket, leaned over her, and slid it over her head, covering her eyes. All three of them held her screaming, thrashing body down. Ethan and Carter pinned her shoulders down while KJ used his hips to press hers tightly against the edge of the bed.

KJ and I wrangled her flailing arms to handcuff her hands behind her back. She put up a good fight. Her labored breathing filled the silent room.

"Get the fuck off of me." She grunted, jerking against the cuffs. We didn't say a word. The minute we spoke, she'd know for sure who it was, but my guess is that she had an idea. She wasn't new to this town. Though I rarely had to enforce consequences because everyone did what I told them. That's what excited me about Sadie. She was a rule breaker.

I stood backing away; KJ let her go stepping back beside me. My gaze flashed to his as he wiped the fresh blood pooling from his nose. I hadn't seen it, but she'd gotten him. He peered down at the red liquid on his fingers. The corners of his lips curved up as his eyes lifted to meet mine.

Game on.

We all watched as Sadie thrashed, fighting against the cuff as we caught our breath. I could almost hear her heart pounding against her chest as she grunted desperately, trying to free herself. Her T-shirt rode up, exposing her tiny panties, barely covering her round ass.
