Page 23 of Toxic Obsession

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Reaching down, he slid his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me to my feet. His lips claimed mine in a dominating, possessive kiss. The kind that said you are mine. My lips parted with a moan, and he fed me his tongue, claiming every inch of my mouth as his. I'm so lost in him that I didn't realize we were moving. His hand slid up from my neck, tangling into my hair. This time his grip was brutal. I yelped when he tore my mouth from his, welcoming the pain.

My heart raced when he spun me around, bending me over the small kitchen island, holding me in place by my hair, and forcing me to my tiptoes. His free hand shoved my skirt up, exposing my ass before his fingers curled into the thin material on my thong and tore it off me.

"Spread wide for me, Sadie girl," he growled. I did as I was told, spreading them as far as possible. The hand in my hair tightened, pushing me harder against the counter as he slid himself into my slick pussy. His free hand curled into my hip, possessively holding me in place. I cried out when with one hard thrust, he filled me.

"Fuck," he groaned, not giving me time to adjust as he pulled out, slamming his massive cock back into me. He fucked me hard and fast, with quick, brutal strokes. Each time he withdrew, he drove himself deeper and harder—somehow, he knew exactly what I wanted, what I needed.

The mixture of pain to pleasure heated my blood generating a wave of arousal. A sharp breath left me when he jerked my head, and at the same time, he thrust into me. My belly clenched as I grew closer. So close. And when I screamed his name as I exploded around him, he groaned; releasing my hair, he gripped my hips tighter, holding me where he wanted me as his thrust grew vicious. And with a harsh grunt, he ripped himself from me, exploding on the red and black uniform he'd made me wear.

It took several long minutes for us to come down from our high, and when we did, he surprised me by staying. This was the part where he usually freaked out and bolted but not this time.

We stripped the remainder of our clothes off and curled under the large throw blanket on the couch.

"You coming to my game tomorrow?" he yawned. He must have been out of it. He was asking and not telling.

"I can't," I groaned. "I have this school fundraiser thing that's part of my grade."

"Text me when you're done." He yawned, and I didn't hear another sound from him before passing out.



Why the fuckdid I bring her home? I'd forfeited the game, and for what? Why did I care that she was scared? Why did the overwhelming urge surge over me to protect her?

Seeing the fear in her eyes consuming her forced a protective side out of me that I didn't know I had. Well, for anyone who wasn't family. She'd seemed so small and fragile, and my instincts kicked in, overpowering my nature which was not to protect.

Being with her made me falter. She changed me and made me feel things. Things I didn't like, and yet here I was, standing in a black and white suit to surprise her at her fundraising function because I needed to be close to her.

"What the fuck am I doing?" I muttered, ready to turn and run out of there as fast as possible. Ready to find the first girl I could and fuck her until I didn't even remember Sadie's name, but before I could, I spotted her across the room. She hadn't seen me, I could still leave, but when I noticed an arm across her shoulder, across the shoulder that belonged to me, there was no turning back. Someone had his hands on what was mine.

The crowd around Sadie prevented me from seeing whom the arm belonged to, but it was undoubtedly male. The bulging veins and defined muscles gave it away.

"Jayden De Luca," the guy with his hand on my property. Sadie's eyes snapped up, locking on me, but mine were fixed on him.

"Jayden," Sadie choked out. His eye flashed from me to Sadie's, the realization that she belonged to me washing over him. He slid his arm away, pulling his fist to his mouth with a fake cough. "What are you doing here?"

I stood in front of Mr. Too Handsy with my hands in my pockets.

Clearing his throat, he extended his hand. "I'm a big fan." Was he serious? My gaze flashed from him down to his hand then up to Sadie.

"Let's go," I ordered.

"What?" She scowled. "No! The fundraiser isn't over."

Leaning into her so only the two of them could hear me, I growled through gritted teeth, "You can walk out of here willingly, or I can carry you out. Your choice!" Her jaw flexed, but she didn't want to cause a scene. Not here anyways.

"We're almost done anyway." He smiled at Sadie, and my fist clenched in my pockets. It took every bit of willpower not to shove his teeth down his throat. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"The fuck you will," I snarled. His throat flexed on a hard swallow.

"Jayden." Sadie grabbed my arm and jerking me towards the door. "Let's go."

She stormed towards the exit, and I followed. She was furious as she pushed through the glass doors stopping once we were far enough away that no one could hear us.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" she hissed. "This was a school event that was part of my grade."

"He had his hand on you," I muttered, cocking an eyebrow at her.
