Page 24 of Toxic Obsession

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"So what?" She threw her hands up. "He's my TA; he's harmless."

"He should know not to touch what is mine." I shrugged.Everyone, including teachers and TAs, knew who belonged to the team.

"Seriously?" She huffed out a humorless laugh. "He's an adult. He doesn't play your stupid games." That was almost funny. She was delirious if she thought the staff didn't bow down to me. Mr. TA knew exactly what he was doing. "You know what, never mind, I'm going home." She turned to storm off but stopped and twisted back to me. "Alone."

"We're going to my place tonight," I corrected her.

"No, I'm not!"

"I could make you."

"Then do it." She spun on her heel to face me with such ferocity that I almost flinched. Almost. I took a long second to weigh the situation. Considering whether or not she wanted me to force her, the look on her face said no. "Then I'm leaving." She jerked around, storming off, but I was right on her heels.

I wasn't entirely sure what I'd done wrong. I hadn't caused a scene. I hadn't broken the guy's face. I'd even let her walk out of the building on her own.

"What is your problem?" Sadie halted so quickly that I almost slammed into her. She whipped around, her chest heaving like she'd held whatever she was about to say in for so long that she was going to explode.

"My problem?" She shoved her finger into my chest. She was so fucking hot when she was mad. "My problem is that you sit up high in your $90,000 truck looking down on us little people." She shoved her palms against my chest, and I let her push me backward. "Not everyone has the same privileges as you and your stupid team." Her voice got louder. "Some of us actually have to work hard for what we have, and you just barged into a school function worth sixty-five percent of my grade, insulted my TA, and made me leave early because you wanted to." She sucked in a deep breath. "If I fail, I lose my scholarship, and it's my only way to pay for school. Get it now?"

I did get it, but I honestly couldn't say I would do anything different, and if her TA was stupid enough to fail my girl, he would regret his very existence.

Sadie didn't realize, but as long as she was a Rally Girl, she had the same privileges as we did. If she wanted to go home alone tonight, I wouldn't stop her.



I hadn't heardfrom Jayden in a few days. I was still furious, and for some reason, he was too. Jayden decided that I was his property, and it didn't matter how I felt about it. Now he was destroying my life, and I wouldn't go down without a fight.

Mr. Woodruff dismissed class, and I shuffled my things together, quickly shoving everything in my bag.

Now I had to apologize for Jayden's barbaric actions and hopefully save my grade.

"Hey." I smiled awkwardly, strolling to the front of the classroom once the classroom cleared out.

"Hey, Sadie," Carson, my TA, smiled, but it wasn't the same smile he usually gave me. It was flat, lifeless. He was typically excited to see me. Today I was just another student. "Glad to see you made it."

"Yeah." I sighed. "Look, I'm sorry about Jayden." I clenched my bag tighter to my chest. "It won't happen again."

His gaze flicked back down to his paperwork. "You didn't strike me as the type of girl to run with the football team."

"I'm not." I shook my head. His gaze flicked up, glaring at me through his long dark eyelashes cocking an eyebrow. I could tell him the truth, but who knew what Jayden would do if he got brave and got involved. "It's complicated." He bit his bottom lip like he was holding something back. "What?"

"I probably shouldn't say this." He sighed, leaning back in his chair. "But you're a smart girl, and guys like Jayden will only drag you down."

"I know." I nodded, and I did know that. When all this started, I was banking on the fact that Jayden would have gotten bored with me by now and moved on to the next, but for some odd reason, he hadn't. "Trust me."

"See you next week," he dismissed me, his gaze flicking back to his paperwork. Another friendship was lost because of Jayden.

I wanted to ask Carson if I would lose points for yesterday, but I lost the nerve and walked out. He was still obviously a little pissed about the situation, and I couldn't blame him.

Since Jayden forced his way into my life, life was complicated, and I wasn't sure how much more I could handle.

I rounded the corner to cut through the back alley, hoping the shortcut would get me home before it was completely dark. My phone chirped, and I reached into my bag to dig it out.

"Well, well, well," a deep male voice sang. My gaze snapped up as three dark-haired men strolled toward me. I had no idea where they came from. Had they followed me?

I recognized them. They were all new to the football team, freshmen. Something was off. My heart slammed against my chest as my stomach churned. The sinister glare in their eyes said they weren't there to chat. "It's the slut that got our first game night canceled," Trey sneered.
