Page 26 of Toxic Obsession

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"What?" I narrowed my eyes. "No, this isn't your fault." KJ forced a smile. "Seriously, I'm fine." He swallowed hard, nodding. "How did you guys find me?"

"We were coming to get you from class," KJ said as Jayden slid his arm around my waist. "For Monday night football. We saw you leave class, but you were faster than we were. Jayden texted you, but I guess you didn't get it." That was why my phone chirped.

"Come on," Jayden said. "Let's get some food in you, and then we can clean the wounds up."

"Actually," I interrupted, knowing I only had three dollars to my name until I got paid Friday. "I'm not hungry."

"You're not one of those girls, are you?" He rolled his eyes as I climbed into the high-top table seat.

"One of what girls?" I narrowed my eyes.

"The ones who don't eat in front of people," he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I was so offended that I blurted out, "I don't have any money, asshole." His arms dropped to his side. Confusion contorted his face. I instantly regretted it. I hated talking about money. I hated people knowing my personal business, but Jayden couldn't stay out of mine for some reason.

"What can I get you?" the blonde waitress asked Jayden.

"You like burgers?" I didn't answer. His gaze flicked back to the server. "Two burgers, fries, and two beers."

He didn't say another word about money the rest of the night. When the food came, he ordered me to eat, and I did. It wasn't long before I'd forgotten all about our little argument and did something I thought I would never do; I enjoyed myself. I finally understood what it was that Alyssa wanted. This. She wanted to belong to a family, and that's what this was. The Untouchable 8 were more than a team. They had each other's back. They knew they could count on each other, and even though I didn't agree with all their methods, I understood now.

My gaze darted around the bar looking for Alyssa, and I realized I was the only Rally Girl.

"Hey, KJ," I said, leaning forward. Twisting around, he raised his eyebrows. "Where is everyone?" His brows pinched as he searched the room. "The other Rally Girls."

"Oh." He smiled. "Rally Girls aren't allowed at Monday Night Football, so they're all back at the house." He twisted back to watch the game.

What the hell did that mean, was I fired? I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about that.

The game was in the final quarter when Jayden said it was time to go, leaving the rest of his team to finish the game.

* * *

Sitting on the counter in the upstairs bathroom, I couldn't help but think about what KJ said while Jayden was gone looking for a first aid kit.

"Hey." Alyssa smiled, poking her head through the door. "We heard what happened." Her gaze flicked down to my bloody knee and back up to me. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Thanks." I hated how awkward things were between us now. We'd been best friends for years, and now again, because of Jayden, we weren't. "How come you weren't at the bar tonight with everyone?" I was hoping her answer would be different, that she would tell me that the girls hated going or had their own plans for the night. Anything other than what KJ said.

"Because I haven't been upgraded to girlfriend status." She sighed, and my throat tightened at the word girlfriend.

"Are you saying," I cleared the lump lodged in my throat, "only girlfriends are allowed to go to their Monday night football tradition?"

She nodded."Congrats," she smiled sincerely, "on making girlfriend status. That rarely happens, especially with Jayden."

"I'm—" I started to deny it, but Jayden stepped through the doorway.

"I'll let you two finish up," she said, disappearing out the door.

"Okay," he said with a heavy sigh, setting the first aid kit on the counter next to me. "Let's see what we have." He flicked open the first aid kit and shuffled through everything. I pressed my lips into a thin line, trying to decide if I should ask him why I was there tonight since I was not his girlfriend.

What am I even thinking? Jayden doesn't do girlfriends; he barely does Rally Girls. I was probably only there because of what happened, but then I remembered what KJ said; they were coming to get me for tonight.

"This is going to sting a little," he warned before placing the wet antiseptic on my knee. I winced, sucking in a deep breath. He pulled the pad away and gently blew on the burn, his eyes locked on mine, and almost instantly, the pain was gone. My heart squeezed at the gesture. The pure intimacy of it.


"Hmm?" he hummed, his focus back on my knee.
