Page 27 of Toxic Obsession

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"Why was I there tonight?" His gaze flicked up, peering up through his dark lashes. His brows pinched together. "At the sports bar tonight. KJ said Rally Girls weren't allowed at Monday Night Football." He cleaned my knee, placed a bandage over it, then dropped it and turned to clean up his mess. I waited patiently for an answer, but it never came. "Jayden."

"Because you are mine," he snapped without looking at me. "I thought we already cleared this up."

"I'm your Rally Girl," I corrected.

"No." He dropped everything in his hands on the counter, twisted to place his palms flat on both sides of me, and leaned down nose to nose. "You are mine. If you want a label, then you are my girlfriend."

"That's not how that works, Jayden," I hissed. Placing my palms flat against his chest, I shoved him back. "You can't just tell someone they are your girlfriend, and they just magically are." I hopped off the counter, scoffing at the ridiculousness of all this. Who just decided they were dating without the other person's consent?

"If I asked, you would think it was an option." He flashed me a cocky wink. "And it's not."

"I think you might be a psychopath," I fumed. "I am not yours, and you definitely are not mine." I spun and stormed out of the bathroom, but he was right on my heels.

His fingers wrapped around my throat as he jerked my back against him. "Tell me you're mine, and I'm yours," he breathed against my ear. He shoved me forward into the banister that overlooked the first floor. He pressed his hips into me, pinning me against the railing. "Or I'll prove you wrong and fuck her while you watch." He used his free hand to point to a tall thin blonde downstairs. "Say it." My stomach clenched, and I couldn't explain why. What did I care if he fucked some random girl? He wasn't my problem. His fingers tightened, digging into the pulse point of my throat. Then I realized the problem was that I did care, but I'd never admit it. Never.

He smiled against my ear. "So stubborn." He moved his mouth away from my face. "Layla."

She twisted around, smiling up at him with nothing but pure excitement etched on her face. She was pretty with blonde hair, big brown eyes, long, tanned legs, and big store-bought breasts. He jerked his head for her to follow, and she did. She didn't seem bothered that Jayden was dragging me to his room by my throat.

"Strip and get on the bed," he ordered Layla, and she did exactly what she was told. Using his free hand, he grabbed my wrist and then released my throat to grab the other wrist, pulling them together to cuff them. A rush of adrenaline followed by a trail of nerves coiled through me, and I struggled to swallow past the panic rising in my throat. I hated being restrained, but for some weird reason, I trusted that Jayden wouldn't physically hurt me, which was insane because he was a psycho, but knowing he wouldn't hurt me gave me the strength to push past the anxiety that wanted to take me back in time to a place I didn't want to remember.

Maybe I'm just as crazy as he is.

"What are you doing?" I thrashed against him. "Let me go." He shoved me backward, and I fell into a chair.

"If you move or close your eyes," he growled, "next will be your friend." My jaw flexed. He knew if he hurt Alyssa, I would truly hate him. "Just remember, you can stop this at any time. Just say the words."

"Did it ever cross your mind that maybe I really don't like you? That maybe I actually hate you."

"Then watching me fuck her shouldn't be a problem." He shrugged, reaching down, popping open the bottom of his pants, and shoving down his zipper. He didn't move to her, though. He stood right in front of me. He was so arrogant. Reaching back, he ripped his shirt over his head, and I tried desperately not to drool. My gaze swept over every curve of his chiseled chest.

Why did he have to play these stupid games?

"Last chance," he whispered, dropping his pants. His muscles flexed as he moved to step out of them, and I wanted to tap out. I wanted it to be me that he touched, not her, but every ounce of my pride forced the words back down my throat.

He turned to stroll to the bed where Layla lay spread eagle, butt naked. "Come here," he ordered, and I knew he wouldn't kiss her because I knew he didn't kiss.

She climbed to her knees, her full perky breast unmoving as she did. His hands settled on her hips, pulling her closer to him so that her body pressed into his, and none of that affected me the way it did when he dropped his head and brushed his lips across hers. He was going to kiss her. He was going to put his mouth on hers and kiss her the way he kissed me, and something about that sent a wave of white-hot rage bolting through me.Her eyes closed, anticipating the kiss, and that was all I could take.

"Stop," I yelled, thrashing against the cuffs. "Stop." His head twisted to peer at me.

"Say it," he groaned.

I swallowed hard. He was really going to make me say it. I pressed my lips into a thin line. His face twisted back to Layla as he moved in.

"I am yours, and you are mine," I blurted out in one short breath.

A smile spread across his face, "Get out." Layla yelped when he jerked her forward off the bed by the back of her neck.

"Wait," Layla groaned, stumbling forward. "What? I thought we were going to have some fun."

"I said get out." There was no playfulness in his tone, and she knew it. She jerked her clothes off the floor and stormed out, not bothering to redress.

Jayden, kneeling in front of me, pushed my knees apart to settle between them. His eyes locked on mine, and my heart raced with anticipation.

"So, you do like me?" he said more as a question than a statement.

I didn't know how to answer that. I didn't like him. He was toxic. We were toxic, but I was also consumed by jealousy seeing him touch her.
