Page 50 of Toxic Obsession

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I sucked in a deep breath as my gaze trailed over them. KJ's hand was wrapped around the back of her neck, holding her mouth against his, the other palming her ass. My eyes widened as I realized his pants and boxers were shoved down around his thighs, and her hand was wrapped around his massive cock, slowly stroking him. She stroked him faster, and he broke from the kiss with a gasp as his eyes closed and his head fell back against the wall.

A slow smile spread across my face as I backed up, deciding to go to bed to wait for Jayden and let these two finish. Spinning around, my knee slammed into the coffee table that appeared out of nowhere. The lamp crashed over. "Oh, fuck!"

"Sadie, fuck." KJ sneered. My gaze flicked up as I scrambled to correct the lamp, as the two quickly fixed themselves. KJ bumped Bri out of the way as he stepped closer to me. "Sadie, I'm sorry."

"What?" I snorted a laugh. "No, I'm sorry. You guys continue." I bolted down the hall towards Jayden's room.

"Sadie," KJ called out, but I threw the door shut, but he was fast shoving it back open, bursting through the doorway. "Sadie."

"KJ, it's fine." I forced a smile as a blush crept up, heating my neck and cheeks. My gaze flicked passed him as I noticed Bri standing in the doorway, annoyance covering her face. "I'm sorry I interrupted."

"Yeah, me too." Bri scowled, crossing her arms over her chest.

KJ whipped around. "Go," he growled, pointing out of the room. She stepped back, and he slammed the door in her face.

"KJ," I scolded him. "What the fuck?" I had no idea what was going on right now. KJ didn't owe me shit. What did he care if I walked in on him and Bri? It wasn't like I hadn't watched him before.

"Sadie," he said, grabbing my upper arms and jerking me to him. "Please do not tell Jayden." That's what this was about? Jayden? "He will kill me."

"Yeah, okay," I said, slightly confused. Bri was an adult, and so was KJ, so why would Jayden care?

"Siblings are off limits," he said. "It's always been that way." I nodded. "But Briā€¦" He released my arms as he blew out a heavy sigh. Twisting away from me, he shoved his hand through his thick dark hair. "She doesn't take no for an answer, and there's this chemistry."

"I'm sure Jayden will understand." I chuckled. "He knows his sister."

He spun around, his eyes wide. "He would let me fuck you before he let me fuck his sister." He said that like it should mean something to me. "And he hasn't let me fuck you yet." I gaped at him. Yet as in, that was a possibility?

"I won't say anything," I promised, and I meant it. It wasn't my place to get involved. "I'm going to bed. So, you two should get it out of your system before Jayden gets home." His gaze met mine an understanding crossed between us as a slow smile spread across his face. I returned the smile, and he disappeared.

Crawling into bed, I replayed his words; "He would let me fuck you before he let me fuck his sister." I wasn't sure how I felt about that. She was his family. I was some girl he'd met a few months ago, and in a few more months, I'd be someone he once knew. A distant memory as he went on to live the life he was born to live, and I doubted I'd ever get over Jayden.

I lay awake for several hours waiting for Jayden when a soft knock sounded on the bedroom door. Rolling over, I glanced at the clock. It was two in the morning. Shoving the blanket to the side, I rolled out of bed and jerked the door open to find Bri standing outside with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"I figured you'd still be awake." She smiled. "Drink?"

"Where's KJ?"

"Passed out on the couch. That's what good sex does to a man."

"Why aren't you passed out, too?" I chuckled, knowing damn well she had just been fucked within an inch of her life. She had the freshly fucked glow on her face.

"Because I owe you a drink." She sighed. "Thanks for not ratting us out to Jayden."

"Of course." I smiled. "Not my story to tell."

"Care to have a drink with me while you wait for Jayden?" I nodded. It would be nice to talk to someone who grew up with Jayden.



Pushing through the front door,I shoved my keys in my pocket before closing the door behind me.

"Where's Sadie?" I muttered when I spotted KJ pouring coffee into his cup in the kitchen.

KJ twisted around, setting a white coffee cup on the island, his gaze flicking up to meet mine. He jerked his chin toward the living room. KJ wasn't much of a morning person, and it was early.

My gaze followed his line of sight to where Sadie and Bri were passed out on the living room floor. Taking in the two wine glasses and two empty bottles of wine, I understood the situation.
