Page 67 of Toxic Obsession

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"Don't let her hurt herself."

KJ's brows pinched. "Hurt herself?" he repeated.

"I need to go before she comes out." My gaze flashed back to the house for a long moment before meeting KJ's glare. "Take care of her." He nodded, and I disappeared into the darkness.



Six weeks later…

Sitting in the shadows on a bench, I watched Sadie emerge from the library. It was late, and the campus was dark. I knew she'd be there because she always was. I knew her schedule now better than I knew it before.

My gaze followed her down the stairway to the sidewalk, clutching her books tightly to her chest. Her long dark hair was pulled back tightly in a ponytail, and she wore my favorite pair of jeans. The ones with the ripped holes in the thighs. The ones I loved to slide my fingers through to feel the heat of her skin on my hands.

"What are you doing, Jay?" KJ whispered as he sank onto the bench beside me.

"Making sure she makes it home safe," I muttered, my gaze fixed on Sadie. "When did she move back into her place?"

"Last week, but you already knew that, didn't you?" I shrugged. "Seasons over; you heading back home?"

"Yes, I leave next Friday after I get everything in order." Sadie rounded the corner of a building, and I lost sight of her. I wanted to get up and follow her, but this was the only chance I'd had to meet with KJ.

"Have you talked to Bri?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to talk to anyone," I muttered." I need my space for the next couple of days." I leaned forward, placing my elbows on my knees. "Tell me she's okay. I need to know she's okay before I leave."

He blew out a heavy sigh. "I shouldn't tell you anything. What you did to her was fucked up!"

"Yeah, I know, but I needed her to hate me." I swallowed hard as I folded my hands together in front of me.

He rolled his eyes. "I think in your own fucked up, twisted way, you think you were protecting her, so I'm going to tell you, but after this, you let her go." I nodded. "She's had a rough week." My eyes squeezed shut, and my jaw clenched as my chest tightened. "She's been meeting with the lawyer, and between him playing the 9-1-1 call for her and her friend from home, Brandon, she finally remembered what happened that night."

My eyes snapped open. "Is she okay?"

"Brandon has been staying with her," KJ said. "He's—"

"Like in her fucking house?" I growled, straightening. My entire body tensed at the thought of someone else touching her. "Like he's living with her?"

"Jay," KJ warned. "You don't get to do that right now. You bailed on her. He's there; you're not. You don't get to be mad someone stepped in to fix the mess you made."

My shoulders sank. He was right. I didn't have the right to be angry, but I was. I should be glad she had someone who cared about her, but I wasn't. I was jealous it wasn't me.

"She's meeting with her dad in a few days," KJ continued. "I told her I'd go with her." I nodded, feeling a sense of relief that KJ would be with her.

"Any sign of her mom?" He shook his head. "Good."

"I have to go," KJ said, pushing off the bench. "Go home, Jay. You need to talk to your sister and leave Sadie alone now. Let her heart heal and start your new life with Bella." My jaw clenched at the sound of her name. "Am I getting an invite to the wedding?" He shoved his hands into the pockets of his denim pants.

"God, I hope not." He laughed, but I was serious. "I'm still hoping I don't get an invite."

KJ disappeared into the darkness, and I assumed Sadie had made it home by then. Pushing off the bench, I headed toward the team house, knowing I'd pass Sadie's place on my way. The season was over, and the team house was closed up for the year, leaving the house vacant. Everyone migrated back to their homes, giving me the needed space.

Bri called me several times a day, and so did my parents, but I couldn't talk to them right then. I was angry with myself and with them. I was angry at the entire situation.

Rounding the corner that led down the narrow alleyway, something slammed hard into me, nearly knocking me backward. Her frantic breathing filled the silent alley. I grabbed her shoulders, steadying her as she scrambled in pure panic like a monster was right behind her.

It was Sadie, and terror was etched on her face.
