Page 83 of Toxic Obsession

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Tony opened his mouth, but I cut him off. "No." I shook my head. "We'll talk numbers after." His mouth snapped shut, and he nodded like he understood. If Sadie knew how much the house costs, she wouldn't even go inside. "We'll do the walk-through, and then we can discuss it." I directed my attention to her.

Sucking in a deep breath, her gaze flicked back to the house as she slowly exhaled. "Okay."

We pushed through the front door and stepped into an entryway. We strolled through the house, taking in everything from the 12-foot ceilings to the dark hardwood flooring throughout the entire house. The kitchen was newly remodeled with granite countertops and new stainless steel appliances. The bathrooms were huge, with walk-in showers and different sizes and shapes of soaking tubs, but the best part of the house was the backyard. The house sat on a private beach with a large pool and hot tub overlooking the ocean.

We stepped out the sliding glass door and onto the patio, and Sadie sucked in a deep breath.

"Wow," she breathed. "This is amazing."

"It could be ours," I said, my gaze zeroing in on her, trying to read her.

"We don't need something this big."

I slid my hand in hers and led her down to the beach. "Take off your shoes," I told her, and she did. We walked down to where the waves washed up on the shore and let our toes sink into the sand. "We may not yet, but I'm thinking about the future."

Her gaze met mine, and I twisted, taking her hands in mine. "The future?"

I nodded. "This house is perfect for raising a family, and we'd have an extra room for your dad when he gets out."

"You mean if he gets out." She sighed. "He still hasn't gotten his appeal."

"Actually," I smiled, "your dad's appeal was granted yesterday."

"Omigod," she shouted. "Are you serious?" I nodded, and she jumped into my arms and wrapped them around my neck, squeezing so tight I couldn't breathe, but I didn't care. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, holding her against me. "Thank you, Jayden." She pulled out of the hug.

"We'll have to fly back for the hearing, but I don't know how long all that will take yet." I took a step back. "But once he's released, he'll need a place to go, and I think this is the place."

"I love it, Jayden." She smiled. "But it's still overkill for the three of us."

"I was hoping it wouldn't be just the three of us for very long," I said so softly it felt like a whisper. Sadie's brows pinched in confusion. I wanted this spot to be so important that she couldn't say no. I dropped to my knee, reached into my pocket, and pulled out a ring box. A wave washed up, soaking the knee of my jeans and surrounding her bare feet. "Sadie, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and raise all our babies in that house." Her confusion turned to shock as her eyes widened. "Sadie Marie Prescott, will you marry me?"

Her eyes filled with tears as she swallowed hard before her head started nodding. "Yes! Yes, I will marry you." I slid the three-carat princess-cut diamond on her finger before rising to my feet. "It's beautiful."

"We kind of have to buy the house now." I laughed. "So we can show our kids where I proposed to their mother."

A tear streamed down her cheek. "Let's do it, but I don't want to know how much it costs." I laughed.



One Year Later…

"Trust me," Jayden said. "I love you way more than you love me."

Jayden and I were seriously debating who loved who more, and neither of us was caving.

If you had told me two years ago that I'd be having this conversation with Jayden De Luca, I'd have died in a fit of laughter after I told them they were insane. But it turned out Jayden was my person. He was exactly what I needed, and I didn't even know it.

"Oh, yeah? What do you love most about me?"

"That this pussy is all mine." He jutted his chin at me, his lips twitching with amusement. "No one else has ever been inside that pussy. It was specially molded by the Gods specifically for my cock." I stifled a laugh working its way up. I adverted my gaze as a memory flashed forward. The one where I was left standing alone, waiting in the dark.

"So—" My eyes narrowed. "Does that mean you were in the darkroom?"

His smile faded like he'd forgotten all about the dark room. "We don't talk about the dark room." His jaw clenched. He twisted and bolted towards the back of the house, but I was hot on his heels.

"So—" My face pinched with confusion. "You weren't in the dark room?"
