Page 84 of Toxic Obsession

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"Sadie." He spun around, stopping me. "We DON'T talk about what happens in the dark room."

"That rule was null and void when you put a ring on my finger." I held up my hand, showing him the ring in case he'd forgotten.

A smug grin curled across his lips. "Is that so?" Squaring my shoulders and lifting my chin, I nodded. His hands curled around my hips, and I yelped when he jerked me flush against him. Laughter bubbled up as I grabbed his broad shoulders to steady myself. Our eyes locked, and his searing gaze melted my insides as he dropped his head, brushing his lips against mine. "I'll only say this once, and we'll never talk about it again."

"Mmhmm," I hummed against his lips as my eyes closed.

"This pussy," he cupped me through my leggings, "has only ever been filled by my cock." That answered my question. He was in the darkroom that night. "You are mine, Sadie, and I'm never sharing you again." His mouth claimed mine, and I melted into the kiss, almost forgetting the next part of the question.

I pulled out of the kiss, sucking in a deep breath. "Who else was in the room?"

He released me.

"Bullshit. You are too controlling not to know, Jayden."

"Maybe. Maybe not, but regardless I'll never tell." Groaning, I rolled my eyes.

"Was it KJ?" I cocked my head to the side, narrowing my eyes on him. Trying to read him, but he had his poker face on. "It was KJ."

"Maybe. Maybe not."

I blew out an exasperated growl. "Jayden." He shook his head. "Fine." I shrugged dramatically, twisting to walk away. "I won't tell you my secret."

"What secret?" He was right behind me. I threw my hands up. "You're bluffing."

"Maybe." I twisted to face him but didn't stop walking. "Maybe not."

"Cute." He sneered.

"You tell me, and I'll tell you." I flashed him my most convincing smile before twisting back around to shove open the large sliding glass door that led out to the patio.

"Is that how we are going to do this?"

"Yep," I said, popping the p. "And it's a good one. You're definitely going to want to hear this one."

"What does it have to do with?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "Bri? Have you heard from Bri lately?" I shrugged. "Your dad's appeal?" I shook my head again. "Okay, fine. You go first." I shook my head. "Seriously?" My lips curled into a smirk. "Are you sure you want to know this, Sadie? Once you know, you can't unknow it."

My face pinched as I thought about his question. Why would I want to unknow it?

"We see the guys all the time." He answered like he was reading my mind. "Will you feel any different knowing? Will you be able to hang out like we do, or will it be awkward?"

I sucked in a deep breath, slowly exhaling. Jayden was right. KJ was here almost every night. If I found out it was him would I be able to look at him the same because right now, I looked at him almost like a brother?

"You're right." I shook my head. "I don't want to know."

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "Okay, spill the tea."

"Are you sure you want to know?" I teased.

"Funny. Spill." I reached into the pocket of my leggings, pulled out a picture, and handed it to him. His brows knitted as he took the picture, his gaze fixed on the image. "What is this?"

"It's a baby," I whispered.

His eyes snapped up. "Are you serious?" I nodded. "We're going to have a baby?" I nodded again, not able to hide my excitement anymore. "Holy fuck, I'm going to be a dad."

He was in a tiny bit of shock.

"Are you happy?"
