Page 85 of Toxic Obsession

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His gaze flicked back to the picture for a long moment as his head nodded. "Yes. We have to move up the wedding date." He stepped into me, his arms wrapping tightly around me, and I gripped his arms as he spun me in a complete circle.

"I was thinking we could do a small ceremony here, on the beach. Where you proposed."

"That's an amazing idea, but I thought you wanted to wait for your dad and the trial to be over."

"Mr. Silverton thinks we'll be going to trial soon."


"We have a court date, and Mr. Silverton thinks if all goes as planned, he'll be out within a month. So we could plan a summer wedding before football season starts and training gets serious?"

"Let's do it."

"Any news about my mom?" I sank into the patio chair beside the glass patio table.

"She's still out of the country, but Mr. Silverton said she could be extradited once your father has proven his innocence, but that's up to the state attorney's office whether they decide to go after her or not but regardless, we'll know if she comes back into this country. I promise she won't get near you or my baby." I smiled.

"I hate that she may get away with it."

"Me too."

I couldn't wait for this all to be over. I couldn't wait for my dad to be free, and I hoped more than anything he'd be able to walk me down the aisle to marry Jayden. But more than that, I couldn't wait to testify against my mother and put her behind bars for the rest of her life for what she did to my brothers and sisters. Until then, I wouldn't let her and my hate for her consume my life. I had a new family now, and that's what was truly important.
