Page 9 of Toxic Obsession

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"Let's go," I said, more like a command than intended.

"I don't want to be seen in public with you." She cocked her head to the side and crossed her arms over her chest.

"That's cute that you think I care," I said, mocking her energy. "I can make you go if that's the route you want to take."

She contemplated my words before blowing out an exasperated sigh and shaking her head.

* * *

We walked the short distance from the team house to the only café in town. I'd never eaten a meal with someone I'd planned to fuck before, and I didn't do small talk, but I wasn't ready to send Sadie home either.

The sound of cackling girls drew Sadie's attention across the street to where they were crowded near the large concrete water fountain representing our school's mascot, and off to the side Alyssa sat on a bench by herself.

I couldn't have planned it better myself: Taylor and his friends passed by Alyssa. Alyssa's hopeful gaze flicked to Taylor, her eyes pleading with him to notice her, but he didn't. He followed orders better than most.

Sadie charged forward toward Alyssa. Grabbing her wrist, I jerked her back.

"She's not going to want to talk to you right now," I said. "You're why she's there alone and not walking with Taylor and his friends."

"No," she shoved me, "you are the reason."

"I could fix it, too," I reminded her. "The offer still stands." Her eyes flashed back to Alyssa. A glistening tear streamed down Alyssa's face.

"I don't trust you," she said.

"I'm open to negotiations," I said, pulling the door to the café open. "Step into my office. We'll discuss terms over food." She glanced back at Alyssa one last time before stepping inside, and I knew I had her.

The café was slow for a Sunday night even though the park across the street was busy. I picked a table in the back near a window overlooking the park. I wanted to make sure Sadie had a clear view of Alyssa if she needed a reminder of why she was negotiating with me.

"What do you want?" she asked once we were seated, and food was ordered. She crossed her arms, leaning over the table.

"That's easy," I said, sinking into my seat and throwing an arm across the back. "I want you to be my Rally Girl." She leaned forward, pressing her straw between her full pink lips, and temporarily distracted me.

"What does that mean?" She cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes.

"It means you do whatever I tell you to." Sadie didn't just hate football. She was strong and stubborn, and taking orders from me would be challenging for her, making it more thrilling for me. Forcing her to bend her strong will was a turn-on. "I want you ready and willing to do whatever I want."

"And in return?" She bit down on her bottom lip, I would assume to control her words. She probably wanted to tell me to fuck off, but she wouldn't because of Alyssa. "What will I get?"

"What do you want?"

"I want to undo whatever I did that night," she said, locking her fingers and leaning up on her elbows. "Alyssa gets to be Taylor's Rally Girl if that's what she wants."

"Deal." That was easy enough.

"And she doesn't have to go through the gangbang initiation," she added, narrowing her eyes.

"What if that's what she wants?" I didn't know if Alyssa wanted to or not because I'd never asked her, but I knew adding that would push Sadie's buttons.

"If that's what she wants, then whatever," she said. "But she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to."


Sadie might think we were monsters, but the truth was that the girls were just freaks. Each wanted to up the next one, hoping that one of the team members would give her the official title of his girlfriend. There were too many fish in this sea though none of us were looking to settle down. I mean, why settle for one when you can have twelve?

"And if I don't do what you tell me?" She cocked a questioning eyebrow.

"Then the deal ends," I said, my gaze blinked from her to outside the window where Alyssa still sat on the bench by herself. "And Alyssa goes back to being invisible." My gaze flicked back to hers. Her eyes softened as she stared out the window at her friend. It almost made me feel bad for a very brief second. Who am I kidding? No, it didn't because that softness in her eyes was the reason she was going to cave. "So, do we have a deal?"
