Page 8 of Toxic Obsession

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"No," I huffed, grabbing hold of her. "I didn't." I didn't plan it, but I wasn't mad about it either. It only helped to better serve my narrative of eventually getting Sadie to submit to me, and my guess was it would be sooner rather than later.

"You're an…" she started. A hiccup bubbled out, cutting her off. "I think I'm gonna—" Her face went pale, she fell forward as the muscles in her stomach tightened, and vomit spewed all over the ground, just missing my shoes.

I wasn't sure why this wasn't a turn-off for me. I hated drunk girls, but for some reason, I felt the need to make sure she got home safe instead of just dropping her here and leaving.

"Let's get you home." I groaned as her legs gave out, and she collapsed in my arms. "Perfect."

I had no idea where she lived. Scooping her up, I took her back to the party house for the night. Lucky for her, defenseless drunk girls who smelled like vomit weren't my thing. I preferred them feisty.



The following morning,I let the lush sleep in. Plus, I liked her naked in my bed more than I cared to admit. The sun rose and fell before she started to stir.

"Where am I?" Sadie mumbled, sitting up in the bed, holding her face in her hand. "My head."

"You had a few too many last night," I said, tossing her a shirt.

"Omigod," she said, lifting the blanket to look under it at her naked body.

"You puked all over your clothes," I said, opening a drawer, pulling out a pair of sweats, and tossing them on the bed.

"So, did we..?" she asked, fisting the covers back to her chest.

"No." I huffed out a laugh. "I believe your exact words were, 'I'm not fucking you.'"

A wave of relief washed over her, but her gaze raking over my bare torso didn't go unnoticed. The corners of my mouth curved up. She was attracted to me even if she didn't want to be.

"And you listened?" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not really into unconscious drunk girls who smell like vomit." I pointed to the sweats I'd thrown on the bed. "Put those clothes on." They would be too big, but it would keep her from being naked. "And let's go."

"Where are we going?" She clenched the blanket tighter to her chest.

"To put some food in your stomach." I pulled a shirt on.

"What time is it?"


"In the morning?" She pinched her brows.

"In the evening," I corrected. "You slept all day." I pointed to the darkness through the window. "Get dressed."

"I would rather go home."

"I didn't ask what you would rather do." I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me. Precisely five minutes passed before she flung the door open and stormed out.

"I remember," she spat. "You set me up last night." She pushed her finger into my chest. "I have to go talk to Alyssa." She spun in the opposite direction.

"And tell her what?" I wrapped my fingers around her wrist and jerked her back to me. "That you spent the night with me?"

"I—" she started, then snapped her mouth shut, pressing her lips into a thin line.

"I didn't set you up," I said. "I had no idea Alyssa was outside the club."

"I don't believe you," she hissed. "I believe you are determined to ruin what's left of my life." She wasn't entirely wrong. I wanted to make her life so miserable that she had no choice but to cave to me. I didn't want to ruin it, though.
