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She had wild curly hair that hung over her shoulders—if straightened, it would hang all the way down to her thighs—and her gray eyes made me uneasy when they locked on mine.

“Mr. Hunt?” she asked. “I’m Circe LeDoux.”

“I hear you’re serious about talking to me,” I said. “What’s it about?”

“It’s private,” she said, not giving anything away. “Your…” She glanced at my two betas, shoving each other, laughing like they were teenagers measuring dicks. “Males…weren’t too keen on having me around.”

“I don’t usually see people without an appointment,” I said.

Especially not fae.

“You’ll see me,” she said, and her eyes flashed.

Magic filled the room, the kind that the fae wielded. Zen and Rune stopped shoving each other and flanked me. Their magic rose to match the fae’s. They were ready to take her on for me if that’s what it took. If she was that serious about talking to me that she was willing to take on the alpha of the city, I wanted to know what she had to say.

“It’s okay,” I said, talking to the guys. “I’ll see her.” I walked to my office door and opened it. “Miss LeDoux?”

She looked down her nose at the guys and turned on her heel, giving them her back. Ballsy, but she knew her power, and they knew it, too. She walked into my office, and I followed, closing the door behind us.

“What was so urgent it couldn’t wait for an appointment?” I asked, sitting down in the large leather office chair behind my desk.

Circe LeDoux remained standing.

“Danna Rosenberg.”

I stilled. “Who?”

“I know you know who that is,” she said. “You know her well enough that she has a little girl with your eyes and your magic.”

I stared at the fae. “Excuse me?”

“Yeah, she couldn’t find you to tell you she was pregnant after your night with her, but the little girl is showing signs of power. Alotof power, so I’m here on her behalf, telling you to step up and take your role as her guide, if not her father.”

I shook my head. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” My heart hammered against my chest, and my mouth had run try, but damn if I was going to show LeDoux that her words had gotten to me.

Did I remember Danna? Fuck, yeah. I thought about her every day for the last almost seven years. How did I know that’s how long it was? I’d counted the days she was missing from my life, even if she’d never been meant to be in it.

When I’d met her, every fiber in my being had ached to be with her. I’d told myself to stay away—I didn’t get involved with anyone—but I hadn’t been able to. I fucked a lot of girls when I was wired and edgy, but she hadn’t been just a one-night stand. Something about her had been different. Something about her had been… dangerous. Not because she was dangerous, but becauseIwas.

It was better that I hadn’t seen her again. I couldn’t be with someone like her. I cared too much, and if something went wrong, if I screwed up somehow…

Fuck, a child, though? That hadn’t been part of the plan.

“I don’t know what you think I should do,” I said calmly, my poker face in place despite the war that had erupted in my chest.

Obviously, denying that the girl was mine wouldn’t work. Not only was LeDoux a fae, so she’d probably done the magic to figure out who to trace the DNA back to, but if she looked like me, had magic like me… damn it.

“You should step up to the plate. Danna is just human and in over her head. She only just found out this world exists, and she can’t help the girl when she finally shifts and with all the magic she already displays.”

She already showed signs of magic? She had to be about what… almost six now? It was incredibly young to show any signs of magic, which meant LeDoux was right—she had to be very powerful.

“That’s not my job,” I said.

“What?” LeDoux stuttered. “You’re her father!”

“No, I’m the owner of the sperm that created her. Afatheris someone who should be present in the child’s life.” I would know that, because mine had split when I was just a kid, screwing up my life, so I knew exactly what the definition was.

A father is someone who keeps a child safe, rather than putting her in danger.I didn’t say that part out loud.
