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“So, what? You’re just going to let her figure this out for herself?”

“Youhelp her,” I said, waving my hand in dismissal.

The sooner I could get rid of the fae, the better. I didn’t need her to dig around in my magical business and figure out what was going on. “You seem to care a lot more than I do.”

That wasn’t true, of course. My primal instincts were in overdrive, and I wanted nothing more than to take care of my child and protect her. And Danna… Even after all this time, I wanted to run to her and make her mine.

But the curse stopped me from doing that, and so, I kept going with the façade that I didn’t care.

LeDoux gasped, shocked. I had that effect on people. Most of the time, I really didn’t give a shit about most things. It wasn’t just a rumor.

“She needs someone to help her.”

“Then go to the alpha. Where are you from?”

“Portland,” she said. “Oregon.”

So, that’s where Danna had ended up. I’d be lying if I said that I hadn’t wondered more than once, but I always pushed it away because it didn’t matter. I tried to rack my brain, remembering who was out there playing alpha in the wilderness now, running the mountains like they were still just animals. Braxton… something. “If she’s in their territory, then make it their problem. I’m not getting involved.”

LeDoux shook her head. “You really are as heartless as they say.”

I snorted. “Always good to know I have a reputation that precedes me.”

“How do you sleep at night?”

“Like a baby,” I snapped. “If there’s nothing else, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. It’s a busy night, and I have a club—and a city—to run.”

Circe LeDoux looked disgusted, staring at me as if her look would change my mind. I wasn’t getting involved no matter what. I had my reasons, and they were none of her business.

Finally, she broke eye contact and marched to the door.

“If something happens to that child, you’re going to be sorry,” she said before she left.

I sighed when she was gone. That little girl needed someone who could be there for her, and that wasn’t me. She didn’t need a jackass in her life who would hurt her. My biggest fear was killing those I cared for, and a little girl like her would have no way of defending herself against me once the monster showed its face.

Besides, I didn’t know anything about being a father, anyway. I’d grown up in the system, but I’d been on the streets more than I’d been in a warm bed at night, and the only thing I could remember of the few families who’d been there to foster me had resented my existence and used me to collect money from the state. I’d run away for a reason.

I guess I could have learned if it wasn’t for the curse, but that was a moot point.

She was way better off with someone else who could do the job without a curse. I would keep doing what I was good at—making money, running the club, and leading my pack.

When I came out of my office, Rune and Zen sat on the couch together, talking. The shitty music blasted over the speakers again, drowning out their conversations.

They were identical twins, and if it wasn’t for their opposite dispositions—Rune was gentle, and Zen was a wildcard—I wouldn’t have been able to tell them apart. It was true what they said, though. Beauty—or whatever counted for charming dragon shifters—came from the inside, too. They both had dark brown hair, handsome-as-sin faces that made the girls cream themselves whenever they walked past, and they had the same cocky attitudes and lopsided grins that got them out of shit most of the time.

When they looked up and saw me, Rune turned down the music.

“What did she want?” he asked.

“She was just looking for advice,” I lied.

No way in hell I was telling either of them what had really gone down. I didn’t need anyone to know I had a child out there.

Zen frowned. “That’s it?”

I shrugged. “Crazy, right?”

Zen grinned. “She wants to fuck you.”
