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I replied with moans and cries, until the pleasure and the magic felt like they were working together to pull me apart. I came undone at the seams, and the pleasure threatened to swallow me whole.

When I finally came down from my orgasm, Wesley breathed hard, trying to catch his breath. Our skins were slick with sweat, slippery against each other, and I swallowed hard.

When he pulled out of me, he glanced down. His cock glistened with our sex.

Wesley rolled off me, moving away, and I lay on the bed in a puddle of pure bliss.

“That was…” Wesley said, his voice trailing off.

“Yeah,” I answered.

He stood and walked to the bathroom, where I assumed he got rid of the condom. I sat up on the bed, fixing my tank top, tucking my breasts back in, and found the shorts that were a crumpled mess on the corner. I pulled them on, and I was dressed.

When Wesley came out of the bathroom, he found his pants and pulled them on, too. It was as if what had happened between us had never happened, but the way he looked at me, the current that still passed between us, suggested that it had happened.

Very much so.

“I’m going to check on Emmie,” I said, suddenly self-conscious.

I didn’t know what we were or what to say. Whatever had just happened between us had been incredibly intimate, but at the same time, I knew that it wasn’t going to be a deciding factor. Wesley wasn’t suddenly going to see me as someone more than the woman and her child he was looking after.

I could hope for that, but I wasn’t delusional. Wesley was cold and distant, despite how warm and connected we’d just been, and I had to expect that not to be disappointed.

“Danna,” Wesley said when I walked to the door.

I turned to look at him, my hand already on the doorknob.

He walked to me and slid his hand around my waist, pressing his lips against mine. The kiss lingered longer than the others had, and when he pulled away, his eyes were filled with hunger and something I didn’t dare to imagine could be affection.

“I’ll see you later,” he said in a deep voice.

What did that mean?

I didn’t think about it too much. It was Wesley. We’d been incredible together before, and then nothing had come of it. Then again, I wasn’t living in his house at the time. Maybe this time, things would be different.




The girls were getting cooped up in the house. They’d been in the penthouse, barely getting any sunlight aside from the balcony, and it had been over two weeks since they’d been with me.

“I want you to take the girls out,” I said to Rune and Zen after we concluded business one Friday morning.

“What?” Zen asked.

“They need to get out, but damn if I’m letting them out alone after all the shit happening around here, so take them somewhere and look after them.”

Zen scowled at me. “Do I look like a fucking babysitter?”

I moved around my desk so fast, I was on Zen before he could wipe that smirk off his face. I grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up.

He hung in the air, kicking his legs.

“What thefuckdid you just say to me?”

Zen choked out a few words I couldn’t make out—tough to talk when I had my fingers wrapped tightly around his windpipe.
