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“Let me remind you how this works,” I growled. “I’m the alpha, you’re my beta, and when I tell you to jump, you don’t even get the opportunity to ask how fucking high.”

Zen was going blue in the face, and I finally planted him on stiff legs. He coughed, leaning over, hands on his knees.

Rune quietly watched me put his brother in his place. I was so over this bullshit.

I didn’t have a clue who was going up against me, it was starting to look bad that I couldn’t find the group who tried to dethrone me, and Rune had just informed me that the pack was starting to lose faith in my ability to lead them and take care of business.

“Where do you want us to take them?” Rune asked.

“You take them,” Zen said, glaring at me with a scowl. “I’ll go do something that’s worth our time. I’m not sitting there, looking after humans who don’t know how to look after themselves. I don’t know if you know,Alpha, but you’re in a bad spot with the pack, and shit’s about to hit the fan.”

“Watch your mouth, or the next thing that will happen won’t be as uncomplicated as a crushed windpipe.”

“You won’t touch me,” Zen said. “I’m your beta, one of the few actually in your corner no matter what.” He slammed my office door behind him so hard, the windows rattled.

Damn it, he wasn’t wrong. He was a dick, and he was so disrespectful I could fuck him up right here, right now, but he wasn’t wrong.

Cullen had stabbed me in the back, which made me lose trust in all the guys around me. The only two people I still trusted were the twins.

I took a couple of deep breaths in through my nose, letting them out through my mouth, trying to contain my anger. My skin was on fire, and my hands tingled the way they did before they turned into claws. I was about to lose my shit in a big way.

The last time that happened, I’d had to redo my whole damn office, thanks to the dragon not having an off switch when my rage was involved, and I didn’t feel like having it all redecorated.


Rune still sat in silence, waiting for me to get my shit together.

“With all due respect, Alpha,” he laid the respect on pretty thick, “you need to get your rage in check.”

“I know,” I barked. I’d left a whole bunch of dead wolves in my wake at the safe house. Iknewmy rage was a problem.

“Can I make a suggestion?” Rune asked.

“What?” My voice was still sharp.

But Rune didn’t seem worried about it. He didn’t rile me up the way Zen did. The twins were like yin and yang, calm and terror. They balanced each other out, and the same way Zen worked me into a state of pure fury, Rune managed to talk me down from the ledge.

“You should meet with the pack.”

I clenched my jaw.

“You can’t keep avoiding them. They want you to be there for them, to show your face once in a while.”

“That’s not how it works around here. My pack knows how I do it—I take care of business so they can live carefree. They don’t need me to buddy up to them.”

“They want to see their alpha, you know,” Rune said. “You can’t hide from them forever.”

“I’m not hiding from them.”

“You’re not facing them.”

“Did the royal families of old mingle with the commoners? No, they stayed in their castles and took care of their people, and no one asked questions.”

“We’re not in the dark ages, Wesley,” Rune said.

I stood from my desk and paced my office.

I didn’t mix with my pack on the daily because I didn’t need to. I didn’t want to know them, I didn’t want to start caring about them. Being an alpha was like being a businessman. In the minimum wage jobs, did the managers, HR, and the accountants ever see their CEO?
