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“It’s none of your business what I do and don’t want,” I growled.

Braxton studied me for a while before he nodded slowly. “No, you’re right. It’s not, so I won’t ask what this is all about. I doubt you’ll tell me, and quite frankly, it’s got nothing to do with me.”

He was damn right about that. My anger was close to the surface. If he kept pushing, I would tell him to shove it where the sun didn’t shine and take care of my family the way I ached to do. It just wasn’t that simple. It was safer this way, and as much as I hated knowing that another male would be taking care of my woman and my child, I had to let this be the answer. It was the only way I could make sure they were safe. Safe from the world, and safe from me.

“That’s all I ask,” I said finally. “I just need them safe. Thank you.”

“Sure,” Braxton said. He tilted his head to the side until his neck popped. “I have to say, your request was out of the blue. I expected you to come for something else.”

“Like what?” I asked, confused.

“One of yours.”

I frowned. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Braxton jutted his chin up at one of his pack members who’d been waiting against the far wall, and the shifter disappeared.

Not long after, the shifter appeared with another shifter, and between the two of them was Zen.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked.

I stood from where I’d been seated and glared at Zen, who diverted his eyes in deference.

“I figured you weren’t aware of it,” Braxton said, a smile playing around his lips. “No harm done.” He waved his hand, still sitting comfortably. “We just removed him from the streets, in case. I know what it’s like to have a shifter step out of line once in a while.”

“Thanks for not making a war out of this,” I said.

“War isn’t necessary, too many people get hurt, so I prefer a damn good reason when I send at least half my men to the slaughter.”

“You’re a good alpha,” I said.

Braxton gave a slight smile, taking the compliment in his stride.

“We’ll get out of here,” I said and gave Zen a pointed look.

Zen nodded, his attitude defeated, and we left the compound with its stunning cabin.

We walked to where I’d come in, in dragon form, and I got rid of the clothes I’d been wearing, handing them back to the shifters who’d followed us. Zen did the same, and when we were both in our dragon form, I took to the air.

Zen followed me without protest, and we flew out of the Oregon territory and headed back home.

When we touched down on my balcony, it was after dark. I shifted into human form to allow space for Zen to land and do the same. The moment he was human, I got right up in his face.

“Do you want to tell me what the fuck that was about?”

“I was just trying to figure out what’s going on,” Zen argued. His attitude wasn’t nearly as bad as when we’d had a fallout last. “I figured if they went all the way to Oregon to get to Danna and the kid, that’s somewhere we should start looking.”

“And you went there without talking to me about it?”

Zen only shrugged.

“You fucking idiot, do you know what it could have done? If Braxton wasn’t a good guy, and he took it as a threat, we would’ve been fucked five ways to Sunday. Do you think I can afford a war right now, after everything that’s already going wrong?”

Zen looked away, turning his gaze downward, and turned his shoulder toward me a little.

“I’m sorry, okay?”

I growled at him in response.
