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I realized with a shock that the curse was broken, which meant I didn’t only know where Danna was, I could be with her without the fear of the curse.

I could relax. I could breathe. I could reach out to my pack and allow myself to truly care about them.

“Get them together,” I ordered. “Now.”

“I’m on it,” Rune said with a broad grin. “It won’t be long.”

“It better not be,” I warned.

It took everything I had not to get out there and go save her. If I did that, though, Zen was going to take me out. Something told me he’d been planning my downfall for alongtime, and I couldn’t afford for him to get the upper hand.

I clenched my jaw and reeled my dragon back in, barely holding onto my magic.

It was just a matter of time before I got out there and showed Zen who was alpha. I couldn’t wait to pull that piece of shit limb from limb.

Rune had better get his shit in order, or I was going out there alone. I gave him an hour and no more.

I hoped that he would do what he needed to do before then.



“So, this is it, huh?” the blond man said when he looked at me.

“That’s it,” Zen confirmed.

I frowned. “Are you referring tome?” Had they just called meit?

“We don’t have a lot of time if this is the female you want to use,” the blond man said.

“So just do it, Claudio,” Zen said.

Claudio raised his eyebrows. “It might take some time, and that’s a luxury you don’t have. She won’t be weak for very long.”

They were talking about me like I wasn’t there. Usually, that would piss me off, but while they were discussing me, I was figuring out a way to escape.

“Of course she will,” Zen scoffed. “Look at her. She can barely move.”

He turned his back on us and walked away.

The fae—one who used dark magic, I was willing to guess—hadn’t been wrong.

My strength had returned. Magic coursed through my veins, running through me like molten lava, and the beast curled under my skin. I’d felt its existence while Liv and Circe had performed their spells before I’d passed out, but it had just been a baby dragon then, still taking form. Now, the dragon within me was large and powerful and writhing.

It pressed against my skin like a giant hand, trying to break free from the inside.

How Claudio hadn’t picked up on all the power that burned through me was a miracle, because I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust.

“What are you waiting for?” Zen asked, looking at us from where he stood on the other side of the cave. “The others will be here soon.”

Claudio looked confused. “You already rallied the pack?”

Zen nodded. “I want them to be here for the mating ceremony, to see the new power it gives me firsthand, so they know who the fuck is boss.”

“It’s a bit premature,” Claudio said.

Zen snarled at Claudio, snapping his teeth at him. It looked stupid in his human form, and I might have laughed if a powerful wave of magic didn’t accompany it.
