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Zen pulled up his lips at her, showing his teeth despite being in human form.

“We might be twins, but I’m nothing like that pathetic asshole. I know what I want, and I’m not scared to get it. He’s always kissing ass, and I’m done being tied to him just because we’re supposed to be one and the same. If he’s so serious about being the alpha’s lackey, then he can have Wesley all to himself.”

I was pissed off at Zen, but relieved that Rune, at least, was on my side. One out of the three people I’d cared about—pathetic odds, but at least I had someone I could trust in my corner.

“Your fae is late,” Danna said, sniffing nonchalantly. “Looks like your plan is already falling apart. You’re not going to be able to do this, you know. Wesley will stop you.”

Zen snorted. “He’s so disconnected from his pack, the alpha doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing anymore. If you want to be an alpha, you need to have power, and the only way you can have power is if you connect with your pack. The Rogues have all broken away from Wesley’s pack and joined mine for a reason, and when I rise with this new power you’re going to give me, I’ll have a pack behind me that will rip Wesley and whatever delusions of grandeur he has apart.”

Anger rippled through me, my skin burning with rage as I heard what Zen was doing. He’d betrayed me?! It all made sense now. Why he was after Danna—for her power. Why I hadn’t been able to find the Rogues—he’d hidden them. A lot had gone wrong because of me, but Zen had betrayed me, and this was so fucked up, I could barely think straight.

Someone appeared behind me, and the dark magic rolled over my skin, dragging a cold finger down my spine.

“Fucking finally,” Zen hissed. “What took you so long?”

“We can’t exactly fly out here the way you can,” the man said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

He was paler than snow, and his hair was so blond it looked almost white. I could barely see his eyes, they were so white—everything about him was like ice… but ice that was in the process of melting.

“Whatever,” Zen said. “You’re here, and that’s what matters.”

“So, this is the fae who uses dark magic, huh?” Danna asked.

She looked like she didn’t care about what she was saying, but her body was tense, and her eyes flicked across the cave like she was looking for a way out.

“Yeah,” the pale man said. “I—” He looked around and frowned. “We’re not alone.”

I was suddenly slammed back into the present. Circe let go of me as if touching me burned her.

“What was that?” I asked.

“I was shut out,” she said. “Some kind of fae magic shoved me out, breaking the connection.”


“What did you see?” Circe asked.

“Zen,” I growled. “He betrayed me, and he wants to mate Danna.”

“What!?” Rune and Circe asked at the same time.

“I have to get out there.” I spun around, ready to head to the balcony and shift. I had to get to her before Zen mated my woman.


“Wait,” Circe said, putting her hand on my arm. “You’re not strong enough.”

“How dare you,” I growled, my power rising to the surface.

My skin became hot, and my dragon was very close to breaking free.

“You can’t go out there if he has help. That person… it was dark magic that blocked me. He’s got help, and you need help, too.”

“He’s right,” Rune said. “You need the pack’s help.”

“The curse—”

“Is broken, you can stop running,” Circe said. “It’s time to stand up and fight.”
