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“Zen is bringing his rogue pack to fight,” Circe said, answering Danna’s question.

“How do you know?”

“I saw it in a vision,” Circe said. “Almost the same way we found you.”

“How did you find me?”

Circe and I explained together how we’d used the bond I had with Danna to find her.

“If you hadn’t come when you had…” Danna said and shivered.

I only nodded. I didn’t even want to think about Danna being Zen’s mate, or worse,dead.

“We’re getting the pack together to fight Zen and his men and finish this once and for all,” Rune said. I felt his rage radiating off his skin, born of his pain that his twin brother had betrayed him. “This means war.”

“We’re taking you home first,” I said.

Danna shook her head. “I’m staying.”

“No,” I said. “You’re going home where you’re safe.”

“I don’t want to stay home where it’s safe,” she said. “All of this was so that I could be a dragon, too. I was nearly used for my power, and I don’t want to sit back and let someone else fight my battles. I want in.”

“You’re not strong enough yet,” I said.

Circe cleared her throat, and I glared at her. I realized I’d balled my hands into fists, frustrated that Danna was determined to put herself in harm’s way.

“What?” I demanded.

“Actually, she’s more than strong enough,” Circe said. “She’s a descendant of the Rosenberg dragons, after all, and Zen wanted her for a reason. He misjudged just how powerful she is and how quickly the transition would happen for the same reason.”

“She just doesn’t know how to use her magic,” Rune said.

I wasn’t sure if he was arguing with me or against me.

“Then show me,” Danna said.

“We don’t have time.”

“Show me what you can,” she tried again. “I can’t sit at home and twiddle my thumbs while you all go to war for me. I want to learn. Besides, if Emmie is going to be powerful one day, I need to know how to do it so that I can be there for her, too.”

I didn’t have the time, and I couldn’t let something happen to her out there because she didn’t know how to use her magic properly yet. I couldn’t lose her like that. Before I could say no again, Rune stepped up.

“I’ll show her,” he said. “You address the pack, I’ll show her some things, and when we’re all together, we’ll make this work.”

I opened my mind to argue with him, but when I saw Danna’s face, her determination won me over. She wasn’t a woman who needed saving. She was powerful enough to fight by my side as my mate.

Wasn’t that what I needed as alpha? Wasn’t that what I wanted as someone who considered taking in the family I’d never thought I’d have?

The thoughts all terrified me, and I didn’t know what the answers were. It was a resoundingyes, but it was also a horrifiedno.

Circe cleared her throat. “They’ve arrived. I can feel them.”

Rune and Danna both looked at me when I turned my attention back to them.

“Fine,” I bit out. I pinned Rune with a hard stare. “If something happens to her because of this, I’m holding you personally responsible.”

“I’ll take care of her,” Rune promised, and I believed him.
