Page 15 of Guarding Her Heart

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“So how long have you been here?” I ask, getting out a pan and dropping it lightly to the stove burner.

“Awhile,” he says curtly.

“Do you like it here?”

“It’s alright.”

My eyes roll and I crack an egg into the pan imagining that it’s his head right now. Frustration bites at me. I want to know all about him.

“What are your plans? Are you going to go back to the police force?”

He stares at me, his turquoise eyes wide. “No.”

I crack another egg, clenching my jaw and muttering under my breath.

“How old are you, Frank?” Now I’m just trying to find out anything at all. I mean, the man’s a damn vault!


“That’s it!” I slam my empty hand down on the counter. “I can’t listen to you anymore! Do you have anything more than one word answers?”

“Like what?” His full lips quirk up in a damned smile that makes me want to slap him. His electric blue eyes sparkle with laughter.

“It is like pulling teeth to get anything out of you! Do you do that deliberately or are you just that annoying?”


“Aargh!” I stomp across the room and pour a cup of coffee. I take a gigantic sip and breathe in that slightly acidic, rich smell. My senses soothe and finally I let myself relax and close my eyes.

He nods his head. “That explains it.”

I can’t stop the eye roll. “I’m not even going to ask what the hell you mean by that.”

He chuckles and the warm, rough caress of it makes me shiver with desire. Lust curls through my belly and I shove it way the hell down.

Not right now.I’m not doing this now.

Something changes between us. The air crackles with an electric charge that raises the hair on my arms. I look up at Franklin and his blue eyes are blazing with a curious mixture of desire and fear.

“What do you want to know about me, little pixie?”

I cock my head at him. “For one thing…why are you calling me a little pixie?”

He paces closer, so cautious and careful that it’s like he’s waiting for me to back away or tell him to stop.

I don’t though. I watch him, my eyes tracing every line of his big, thick body. I breathe deeply and I can smell his scent. Like a pine forest mixed with bergamot. Spicy and masculine. My belly clenches again and I can’t help thinking about what it would be like to be buried under this huge mountain of a man. Would he be gentle? Sweet? Or a devil that would take what he wants, dragging me down in the exquisite pleasure of his touch, drowning me in an ecstasy unlike any I’ve ever felt?

“Franklin?” I whisper it softly, slowly. Like I’m tasting each syllable, licking it up like a dollop of whipped cream, so sweet and yummy.

His eyes blaze at me and his big hand reaches out, caressing one strand of my loose hair. “So damn beautiful. Like a little sprite let loose on the world, wonder in her misty eyes and a smile that won’t leave her gorgeous face.”

Snorting, I watch him, fascinated. “I think you’re smoking something. I’m no fairy. Too much meat on these big bones.”

He rears back and his lean face flushes. “What the hell are you trying to say? You think you’re fat? Are you crazy? You’re everything a man could want. Sexy, smart, funny, a little sassy. There’s not one thing I would change and most men like what I like. They’re just too chicken to tell you that.”

He stalks me like a sleek jungle cat. A panther. All lean lines and rippling muscles.

Backing away, I gasp when I hit the counter with my back. He doesn’t stop. He’s quivering with a strange rage. His hands reach out and he tugs me tight against him, jockeying me until I’m almost bent over backwards over the counter.
