Page 45 of Sparrow's Grace

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Wren nodded, then Mackenzie wrapped her in her arms and said, “Thank you, precious. I love them. Can you put them in my hair?”

And at her little giggle, we all let out a soft laugh.

Then we all watched as Wren placed the flowers behind Mackenzie’s ear.

It was adorable.

That was when I saw someone rolling out something, and at my confused look, Lil chuckled, “It’s the projector so we can watch the fight out here and be comfortable.”

I nodded and smiled my thanks, then checked the time.

I had just enough time, thankfully, so to the table, I said, “I need to run to the bathroom right quick before it starts.”

Mackenzie smiled and then said, “Anyone messes with you, tell them you’re with Zeke, okay?”

I smiled at her and nodded.

Then I stood up and looked to where Zeke was sitting with a few men from other clubs. I wanted to let him know where I was going because of the words he had said at the house.

That was until I saw what I did and then felt my jaw harden. Please, please don’t be like Deck. Freaking, please.

A girl, one whom I assumed to be a bunny that was wearing a red mini-skirt and a black halter top was leaning against his chair with her hand resting on his shoulder.

I didn’t realize that I hadn’t moved since I stood up.

Not until I heard Mackenzie in my ear, “Sweetie, he doesn’t even realize she’s there.”

I felt tears prick my eyes when I stayed where I was and watched and ignored her.

How could he not realize she was there?

If I felt someone’s arm on me, I would want to know who it was immediately.

And still, there I stood, unable to look away.

And then I watched as she threw her head back and laughed. And at that laugh, I felt my hands tightening into fists.

Then I watched as she moved around and sat down on his lap.

I heard Mackenzie’s intake of breath at the movement.

And then I saw that his hand landed on her thigh. On her bare freaking thigh.

Mackenzie was wrong. He definitely knew she was there.

Immediately, I looked down at the ground at what I saw. Tears instantly pricked the backs of my eyelids.

“Go over there and rip her off his lap,” Mackenzie demanded.

I shook my head, inhaling and exhaling, trying to make sure the tears didn’t fall, “He’s not mine. Not really.”

Mackenzie softened her voice and then said, “Sweetie, that man is yours. Even a blind person could see it.”

I sighed, looked to where Zeke was sitting, and realized that the girl wasn’t in his lap anymore. No, she was sitting on the ground.

Sure, it was great that she wasn't on his lap anymore, but when he didn’t brush her off, he gave her that opening. His actions showed that he was okay with her touching him.

I didn’t even look at Mackenzie. I tore my eyes from them and headed to the bathroom with my eyes on my feet.
