Page 46 of Sparrow's Grace

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Then, as I stepped into the clubhouse, I finally looked up just in time to stop myself from walking right into someone’s chest.

“Sorry,” I mumbled and then sidestepped the person.

I headed to the bathroom and thanked my lucky stars that there wasn’t a wait and that it was free.

After I used it, I looked at my reflection in the mirror and sighed.

I always came in second place.

With everyone.

My mother.

My father.


The whole club.

Why had I stupidly thought that Zeke would be any different?

Stupid. So freaking stupid.

What I hadn’t realized was that I had said all of that aloud as I washed my hands and then dried them.

With a deep breath to calm my racing heart, I prepared myself to tell Zeke that once I found a place for me and my baby to go that I was leaving.

I couldn’t do this again.

With a breath of courage, I nodded to myself in the mirror, opened the door, and then smiled at who was standing there leaning against the wall. I intended to move right by him, but not before he said, “Don’t like a sad woman. Whose ass am I kicking?”

I looked up, and up, and up at the big man. He looked like the Hulk. He was bigger than Skinner, and I didn’t think that was possible.

And what stood out, but I didn’t stare at it, was a long scar that went from one temple straight across his face, bisecting his right eyebrow, over his nose, and then all the way to a dimple in his left cheek.

I locked my eyes with his blue ones that had flecks of green in them, and then whispered, “Umm, I’ll be okay. But thank you for the offer.”

He kept his gaze pinned with mine, and then when I didn’t look anywhere else but his eyes, he mumbled, “Thanks for not staring.”

“Only an asshole would stare,” I told him, and then walked back through the clubhouse and then outside. What I didn’t realize was that the big Hulk had followed me.

And waited to see if I would inadvertently tell him who had upset me.

When I made it to the table, I retook my seat and was so proud of myself that my eyes didn’t immediately search for Zeke.

Mackenzie squeezed my hand comfortingly, then she leaned in and whispered, “I don’t know the relationship between Zeke and that girl, but I’m rooting for the two of you.”

At her words, I gave in and then looked over to where Zeke was still sitting. No, she wasn’t on his lap anymore, thank god, but she was now leaning into his back with her arms resting on his shoulders.

I turned my head, shook it, and then looked at Mackenzie and smiled sadly.

Apparently, that was all the Hulk needed. I felt him come up beside me, and then he leaned down and said, “He’s a good man. But I still won’t hesitate, you just say the word.”

Then he lumbered off.

I looked at Mackenzie with wide eyes, and then I noticed that all the girls had cottoned onto what had happened.

“Okay, who was that exactly?” I asked them.
