Page 62 of Sparrow's Grace

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“Umm, most guys don’t want to wait while a woman shops for clothes.”

He smiled, then walked up to me and wrapped those strong arms of his around me, and pulled me close, “Well, I’m not like most men. Also, those men don’t have a woman like you. In case you haven’t figured it out yet. Don’t care what you want to do, as long as whatever you want to do, I can be there with you.”

To that, I smiled, “Okay, you can go with me to get some new clothes, but on one condition."

He got all serious and then asked, “Name it."

“We get to take the ‘Cuda,” I said.

And to that, well, my man threw his head back and roared with laughter, “I fucking love you, Savannah.”

Then I watched as his face sobered, and then before I could say it back, he brought his fingers to my lips and said, “No. Don’t say it because I did, Angel. You say it whenever you’re ready. But I couldn’t hold those words in anymore. I’ve been wanting to shout it to the rooftops ever since I laid eyes on you.”

What he didn’t know was that I was ready to say it right then and there.

Instead, I decided to wait for the perfect moment to give him those words right back.

Chapter 13


I know that Savannah had looked at me funny when I had asked for six extra copies of the baby. Of my baby. Because I was claiming that baby. I already had the first copy in the SUV.

And after we had cleaned up, I had placed one on my mirror in the bathroom, one on my nightstand, and one in my wallet, and the other two locations were coming.

When she saw that, she showed me her happiness with a kiss that curled my fucking toes.

After I had her loaded in the ‘Cuda, I placed the other picture on my visor.

“Ready?” I asked her.

She grinned, nodded, and then said, “Yes!”

With a laugh, I started her up and then smiled at the wonder and happiness on her face.

We were driving for about ten minutes when the son of a bitch behind me pissed me off.

Seeing that she was buckled in, I glared at the rearview mirror and said, “Hold on, Angel.”

Once I made sure she had a good hold on the door and one on the center console, I made my move.

Grabbing the emergency handbrake, I jerked it upward. Hard enough for the car to come to a screeching halt, all the while with my boot on the brake and my left hand on the wheel cranking it to the left. Hard.

The moment the car rocked to a stop, I pulled a move like Bruce Willis did in one of my favorite movies,Red.

Like a flash, I threw open my door, grabbed my piece behind my back, and stalked to the son of a bitch’s car that rode my ass for the past fifteen minutes. There was only so much one person could take.

When brake checking the asshole hadn’t worked? Well, his car was going to eat a bullet, possibly the entire clip. And if he just so happened to open his mouth… Well, he would be eating a bullet too.

The situation that just took place wouldn’t have garnered the same reaction from me had Savannah not been in the car. I would have just floored the pedal and took his doors off. Ignoring the speed limit signs and any blue lights that would come up behind me.

But before I could get to the car, they backed up and then tried to go through the grass to go around us.

Only, his plan was thwarted by me.

With my gun aimed, my sight on my target, I squeezed the trigger, oh ever so slowly.

Smiling when his tire blew, he fishtailed to the right.
