Page 35 of Halligan To My Axe

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“Let’s go!” He yelled, grabbing my arm and moving quickly, following Trance.

At a particularly strong bank of smoke, I started to cough, and didn’t stop again until we’d reached the sidewalk on the opposite side of the parking lot.

“Oh, my God. She has a snake!” A young girl shrieked.

I ignored her, and threw my arms around Kettle, burying my face into his chest.

His shirt smelled like smoke, but I didn’t care. Especially not when Kettle wrapped his large arms around me, snake and all.

Monty slithered from around my left hand to Kettle’s neck and arm causing him to shiver.

“Your snake kind of creeps me out, you know.” He said as Monty settled onto his shoulders.

“Yeah, he does me, too.” I shivered.

We were interrupted by Trance, and he was pissed. “I need you two to come with me. Now.”

Kettle wasn’t surprised that Trance was angry, and gave me a ‘be good’ glance as we walked behind the man and dog.

Radar’s ears were straight up, and his big body was shaking with pent up energy.

Radar wasn’t your normal German Shepherd. He was pure black with longer, shaggy fur, but had the normal brown eyes, pointed ears, and sharp wit.

As I watched, Radar froze, and then sat before giving a loud woof.

Trance, who was slightly in front of Radar, halted immediately, moving his eyes from the front of him towards the car that he’d just passed.

Then he pulled a white towel off his belt loop that I hadn’t noticed before, and shook it in front of Radar, who immediately latched on to it and started tugging.

“Good boy,” Trance encouraged, tugging on the white torn cloth until he said a word in another language, causing Radar to stop tugging and drop back down on his hindquarters.

“What the hell?” I whispered to Kettle as I watched Trance circle the vehicle.

He reached for the radio at his shoulder and said something, but with all the commotion from the crowd, the police sirens that were coming into the parking lot, and the crackling of the fire now destroying my home, I couldn’t make it out.

“The dog found something,” Kettle explained, moving closer to Trance.

I reached out to touch Radar, as I’d done quite a few times before, but Kettle stopped me with a hand around my wrist.

“He’s working, don’t touch him.” Kettle said, receiving a thankful nod from Trance who’d heard the command.

At my wounded look, Kettle softened. “When he’s working, he needs to be focused on the task at hand, not on you. He won’t do anything to you, it’s just that Trance likes to keep Radar’s attention on work, and he’s in work mode right now.”


Save a fire truck. Ride a fireman.

-Text from Adeline to Baylee


“What’d he find?” I asked Trance, as we got closer.

Trance shrugged. “I don’t know yet. I called in the car’s plates to headquarters, and now we’re going to wait until we get permission, although, technically, we don’t need it since Radar found something.”

Two younger boys standing off to the side by the office were eyeing their group warily, drawing my gaze.

“Those boys over there are looking quite alarmed that you’re standing by this car.” I observed.
