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“That’s a cheerful thought,” I said.

“The reason I came to you here was to tell you that The Destroyer has delivered more Drakán. Their ashes are lined neatly at the base of the mountain.”

I threw the covers off, ready to jump out of bed and go examine the scene, but Julian put a hand on my arm to stop me.

“The ashes have already been gathered and dispersed to their clans. Two pieces of silver were found beneath each pile of ash, just as before.” Julian’s shields all of a sudden grew taller and more impenetrable, and I knew something else had happened.

“What is it?” I asked.

“The Destroyer’s scent was on his victims. He left a trail. His army is ready, and he wants us to follow him so they’ll have the advantage in the fight.”

“Who is it?” I asked excitedly. “Did you recognize him? Where is his army?”

Julian hesitated, and I tasted the lie before the words came out of his mouth.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to follow his scent out of this Realm and see where he’s waiting for us. I’ll come back and gather our warriors once I’ve found his hiding place. I’ll be gone awhile. Stay here until then. No one is to be trusted.”

He was already dressed and walking out the door before I could call him out on his obvious lie.

“I’ll stay on one condition,” I said before he could escape. I’d learned a thing or two from Julian in the time I’d spent with him, and if I wanted answers I was going to have to play dirty. Julian turned and lifted his eyebrow in wait.

I felt the blue mating fire erupt from beneath my skin and I crawled off the bed so I was naked—fully exposed to him body, mind, and soul.

“I’ll stay here if you’ll come back to me tonight.”

A devilish smile played on his lips. He bowed arrogantly before walking out my door.

Two could play this game. I knew he’d be back.

* * *

The snow fell in big fat flakes and the gentle hush cocooned the mountain as it piled higher and higher. I’d showered and slathered on lotion the scent of honeysuckle. I was past the point of exhaustion, but I was revved at the same time. We were close to finding The Destroyer. I could feel it. And so could my dragon. She was restless and wanted to hunt. But I’d promised Julian I’d stay in the castle.

My body had finally gotten its warmth back after the vision I’d had. I was clueless as to what it meant, but something told me that Noah might have some of the answers. One problem at a time though. As soon as I dealt with The Destroyer, I’d have time to deal with Noah.

I bundled up in my blue satin pajamas and terrycloth robe. I pulled on a pair of warm socks and slippers and made sure the magic that I’d put on the doors into my room was sealed tight. I had no idea how Julian had broken through them and ended up in bed beside me. I hadn’t felt him breach them at all.

I poured a large glass of wine and went out the glass French doors that led onto my balcony. It was cold, and puffs of white left my mouth with every exhale, so I let the dragon fire beneath my skin spread outward. I touched the logs in the outdoor fireplace with my hand and they burst into flame. I went to each corner of the balcony and did the same thing to the braziers. Someday I was going to get Julian to teach me how to breathe fire from my mouth. It could come in handy.

This was the first time I’d been out on my balcony, and I hadn’t realized it was connected to Julian’s suite next door. I looked over the edge of the balcony. Hazy clouds rolled below me, and when they passed by and cleared the view I stared straight down into nothingness. It was an endless drop. Drummondsey Castle had literally been built out of the mountain.

I heard the quiet shuffle of footsteps behind me and smiled to myself. Maybe there was hope for Julian yet if he couldn’t stay away from me this long.

“Someday you’re going to have to tell me how you keep breaking past my shields,” I said with my back still turned. “I know they’re strong.”

“Are you so enamored by your mate that you’re no longer able to think of anyone else?” Erik asked.

I whirled around and wondered how long he’d been standing there. “Erik! What are you doing here? I thought you’d left.”

“Not yet. The rest of the clan isn’t as eager for me to leave as you are. I’m a scientist—a healer for our people. I don’t suppose it ever occurred to you to keep me around in case there was a need.”

Actually, it hadn’t occurred to me. Not since I’d seen what Esmerelda’s Faerie salve could do.

“So you truly have put your clan from your mind,” he said, reading the guilt from my face.

“No, of course not. But a lot has happened in just a short period of time. You have to give me time to adjust. My entire life has been turned upside down and rearranged without my permission.”

“It didn’t look like you were protesting Julian’s wishes too vehemently to me. His marks are all over you. The mating has changed you. I wonder if you even have a mind of your own anymore. Or are his thoughts automatically yours?”

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