Page 106 of My Everything

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Straight ahead.

My heart was in my throat as I jogged along the corridor. Meeting another nurse made me hold my breath and slow down. She smiled and nodded as she passed me, and I let my breath out in a rush.

Take a left by the wending machine that’s out of order.

I glanced at the machine, surprised to find the handwritten note taped to the glass. How did he know?

Room 305.

Walk straight.

You’ll find it.

I read the number on the doors. And there,305. I gulped. This was it. I threw a quick glance at my watch. I was guaranteed ten minutes before anyone would come. So far, everything he said panned out.

I fumbled with the little knob attached to my collar, whispering into the air. “Can you hear me?”

“Loud and clear. Good girl.” Dom’s voice echoed in my head, and somehow, I felt less alone. If only it had been Marc. What wouldn’t I do to hear his deep, sexy voice now.

“Are you in?”

“Outside the room,” I whispered. “Going in.” I pushed the door open slowly, peeking inside, and froze. My eyes skipped over the machines, focusing on the man stuck in a narrow white bed. His face was a canvas of red and blue. One eye swollen shut. A split lip and bruised jaw. I winced, inching closer, trying not to let the sight affect me. They said he was beaten up, but no one warned me it was this bad. I must have let a gasp slip because he peeled one of his eyes open to gaze up at me.

“Nurse?” he rasped, surprise, and a tinge of fear clear on his torn face.

“No.” I stepped closer, scanning the room before leaning in to show him my face. “It’s me.”


I shushed him, shaking my head as he tried to speak. “Listen to me,” I hissed. “I don’t have much time.”

He stared up at me, mixed emotions on his face.

“Who did this?” I needed to know. I needed to confirm.

“I don’t know.”

I frowned. Was he telling the truth? Or was he simply scared to tell? I decided it didn’t matter and asked about what did.

“You’re outed?”

He shook his head, confusion clear on his bruised face. “No, no one knows.”

Riiight. I drew the word out in my head. Then it occurred to me that he might not be lying. He was not beaten black and blue because his gay secret was out. He was here because heneededto be. Because it was the only way to reach him. To lie to him. I cursed mentally, wishing I could tell Dominic just what I thought of his mind games. But there was no time. I had to play along. I didn’t have a choice either. Not if I wanted to survive this and make it back to Marc.

“You’re out of the closet, Alex,” I lied. “Mr. X knows. And your boyfriend will die.” I was in awe of how cold I managed to sound. Where was the compassion for another human being? Where was my heart?Back with Marc, something inside reminded me. I did this for him. For us.

“No,” he rasped.

“Yes!” I hissed. “It’s a bullet to the head. He’ll be dead and it’ll be your fault.”

Dom chuckled in my ear, and I winced at the cruelty I was capable of. But time was running out. I could apologize later when we were safe. Right now, I needed him onboard fast.

“I’m with Dominic and Izzy. They can help. They can save him, Alex. And you. You’ll get new identities somewhere abroad. You can finally be together. No more hiding. No more looking over your shoulder. You can be free, Alex. You and your boyfriend.”

Maybe the lies and games were worth it? Even if his secret wasn’t exposed now, there was only a matter of time before it would be. And if he was with his father when that happened… I shuddered. If Dom was telling the truth, he’d make the couple disappear,ifAlex gave him what he needed.

Alex was silent for so long that I wondered if he heard me at all.
