Page 125 of My Everything

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He pulled over not long after, stepping out of the car. Opening my door, he took my hand, pulling me to my feet on the warm dry ground. We were high above the water, and the sparkling ocean stretching out before me was spectacular. The air seemed to vibrate as it met the glittering water below.

I cast Marc a curious look as he pulled me into motion. “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

He led me down a winding path, over dunes and rocks, to finally land at the bottom of what looked like a sandy mountain as the hills towered over us. I kicked off my sandals, dug my toes into the sand, and smiled at the soft, warm grains against my skin. The waves rolled peacefully, drawing my attention from the beach to the sea. It was even more stunning up close.

“It’s beautiful,” I murmured. Most of all, it was private. The crowded beaches were far away. The only sounds came from the ocean, and the birds circling above. “How did you find this place?” I asked in wonder. When I thought of LA, I imagined packed beaches and endless activities. Especially so close to downtown.

“Having a celebrity friend has its perks.”

I stared at him, and he grinned, shrugging as if what he implied wasn’t a big deal.

“Don’t tell me Johnny owns a freaking beach, too.”

Marc chuckled, pointing to a white mansion far up on the hills. “See that one?”

I nodded.

“That’s his house. This,” he made a sweeping gesture to the secluded stretch of sand, “belongs to it.”

I shouldn’t be surprised, but I was. I was in awe. Then another thought struck me. “Why did we go all the way around if—”

“Because I don’t want him to know we’re here,” he said with a gleam in his steel eyes, and my heart skipped a beat. Just the thought of what he intended to do to me here made me shiver.

“I didn’t bring my swim—” He cut me off with a finger to my lips. My eyes darted to his, and my breath caught in my throat. The way he looked at me… The hunger in his eyes. It made my knees weak and skyrocketed my pulse. My tongue swirled around his finger, deepening the intensity of his steel-gray gaze.

“You don’t need clothes for this.” He took my hand, leading me to the shoreline. I wore a small sundress, white with black polka dots, but it didn’t stay on long. Standing in my undies, I tried to keep my focus as Marc’s hands roamed over my naked skin. When they reached to unclasp my bra, my gaze darted to the houses in the distance.

“No one will see us,” he said, reading my mind. “You’re for my eyes only,” he added in a husky tone that made me shiver.

He removed his clothes as well, standing before me in nothing but black boxer briefs that didn’t do much to hide his need for me.

I gulped, already knowing how this would end.

His thumbs hooked my panties, then he knelt in front of me, peeling them slowly down my legs.

I cried out loud from the sudden feeling between my legs. My gaze dated to him, and my breath caught in my throat. His hands were on my hips, holding me in place as his tongue did wonders to my most sensitive spot. “Oh my god,” I breathed. “Marc.”

My legs trembled, and I feared I’d collapse from the intensity of the feeling. Then, just as abruptly, he stopped. Rising to his full height, he caught my gasps with his mouth on mine, and the salty taste of his lips had nothing to do with us being on a beach.

“Marc,” I moaned against his lips. I needed more. Needed that last push over the edge. Needed him inside me. He grabbed my hand before it reached down to feel him.

“Not now.” He held on to my hand, leading me deeper into the water. When we were waist-deep in, he let go of me and dove into the waves rushing at us.

I stared as he resurfaced further out. “Are you seriously going to swim with your—”

“Nothing better than water therapy.” He gestured at me to join him, and I hesitated, eyeing the hazy bottom through the surface.

“I hope there are no sharks here,” I muttered, and he laughed at my worried glances around.

“You’re perfectly safe.”

I had to take his word for it.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, appreciating how light I was underwater. He kissed me, long and deep until we both needed more. His boxers disappeared into the currents, long forgotten as I wrapped myself around him, drawing a deep groan from his lips.

Riding him was never easier, the water making me weightless, and the movements needed, effortless.
