Page 18 of My Everything

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“You need help,” she breathed. “An ambulance.”

Before she had a chance to get up and fetch the cell, I stopped her, a hand to her arm. “Don’t.”

She stared, opening and closing her mouth several times before she blurted, “You could die!”

“It’s just a flesh wound,” I growled, and she didn’t look convinced.

Neither was I, but it didn’t change the fact that she couldn’t call anyone. Not only did I have direct orders from her father not to get anyone from the outside involved. Also, I wasn’t dumb. There were people out there searching for us. They knew our location once. It was just a matter of time before they would again. Getting the fucking 911 involved was like waving a flag sayinghere we are.

They’d lead whoever was out there directly to us.To Kaylie.I couldn’t let it happen. “We have to get out of here,” I said instead, and her eyes darted to the untouched kit.

“I need to clean this. Wrap it.”

“There’s no fucking time.”

She hesitated, then gave a shaky nod. “Can you stand?” she asked, tugging my attention back to the sharp pebbles digging into my ass and her worried blue eyes staring straight into mine.

She helped me to my feet, taking the opportunity to tug the shirt down my arm and off. Then she led me around the car and as I collapsed into the passenger seat, I was covered in cold sweat. Blood soaked the fabric pressing the wound, finding its way to her fingers. I watched in a haze as the red trailed down her white skin and couldn’t help but admire her calm. Her fingers trembled as she removed the cloth, only to replace it with my rolled-up shirt. Despite her obvious hidden panic, she stayed focused, stronger than I ever expected from someone like her.

“You have to tie it,” I instructed, and she did, ripping a long piece of the fabric off. She fumbled with the cloth, and I replaced her hand with mine, pressing the damn shirt to the wound hard enough to make me bite back a cry. “Now tie it,” I hissed, and she did. “Harder.”

She gulped, grabbing both ends of the piece of clothing and tightened the knot around my arm. I winced from the pressure, throwing my head back and let the breeze soothe my clammy skin.

Blood still trickled down my arm. This wasn’t working. I already lost too much, too fucking fast.

Fumbling with my belt, her eyes darted to my hand and widened in brief confusion. When I finally got it loose, I handed it to her, and the confusion was replaced by understanding.

“Tighten it. As hard as you fucking can.”

I barely noticed her closing my door and a few seconds later slipping into the driver’s seat. “I thought you said you can’t drive,” I rasped.

She let out a sharp laugh, then shook her head. “Let’s find out.”

“If you’re that eager to kill me, you could have just let me bleed out.”

She shot me an exasperated look.

“It’s auto gear.” I groaned. “Gas and brake. Not fucking rocket-science.”

She clutched the wheel, shooting me an apologetic look before returning her focus to the car. Fumbling with the stick, she managed to switch it todrive. The car jumped forward, only to stop just as abruptly as she hit the brake again.

“Fucking—” I clamped my mouth shut. Cursing her was pointless, but it was my default reaction to pain, and I had a truckload of that to cope with without her making it worse. “Easy on the foot,” I hissed.

A few more attempts and she had the car rolling smoothly forward. The bumpy road was more than I could take, and just as I was about to beg her to stop, the gravel turned into asphalt.

Kaylie let out a breath. “I can do this!” she exclaimed. “It’s not so hard.”

I glanced at her through heavy eyelids. The sarcasm I wanted to express died before it reached my tongue. She once wanted driving lessons. I never imagined she’d get them. No one drove my fucking car. Not Johnny.EspeciallyJohnny. Giving away that control was out of question. Now I was forced to watch a fucking noob behind my wheel.

Without thinking, I reached for the phone, and my muscles screamed in protest, making me cry out from the sudden pain. “Call your father,” I gasped. “We can’t do this.”

She gave a trembling nod, fishing for her cell while never taking her eyes off the road. She got hold of it, speaking toSiri,who called her dad. I wasn’t surprised when the same robotic voice replied. The number she dialed was out of use. Another string of curses left my mouth.

Fucking asshole couldn’t even pick up the damn phone.

“Marc,” she whispered. “Please go to the hospital. I can’t be responsible for this.”

“You already are,” I muttered. Even if I could, I’d rather die than go to the fucking house of death. If I saw another white corridor and smelled that awful hospital smell… I gritted my teeth as the memory washed over me.
