Page 19 of My Everything

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Julie on the table. Her dead eyes staring up at me.

Kaylie’s whimper snapped me back to the car. “Can I call someone else?” she asked in a small voice. She clutched the phone and the wheel while trying to keep her arms from shaking. Guilt forced me to look away. I was supposed to be protecting her, not the other way around. This was bullshit. What I was doing to her. How she was still coping was a fucking mystery. I was wrong about her. About thinking she was nothing but an entitled brat. I had her pegged as the rich man’s daughter. The stupid kid who never had to lift a finger. Who never had to care about anyone but herself. She proved everything I believed wrong, and she did it with strength I never expect from something to small.

She was right. This wasn’t working. If the people didn’t find us first, the cops would. A car with a cracked windshield was bound to draw attention. Kaylie was driving without a license. But that was the least of my concern. I needed rest. Fresh wraps and something stronger than fucking aspirin to get through this.

There was only one person I trusted, and he owed me a lot more than an escape route. The timing sucked, but I didn’t plan to get fucking shot since I last spoke to him. “Give me the phone.”

“No!” she exclaimed, eyes darting to me. “Keep holding that.”

I groaned, but pressed the hand back over the tied wound, adding extra pressure above the belt, and winced.

She pulled the car over as she dialed the number I gave her, hit speaker, and then continued to drive without checking the mirrors or giving any kind of indicators of where she was going. I winced, thanking God for the early hours and empty roads.

A voice answered on the second ring.

“Ehhh, hi,” Kaylie began, shooting me a look that told me I could have at least given her a name.

“Who the fuck’s this?” The voice asked and Marc flashed a weak grin.

“My name is Kaylie… I’m… Who are you?”

Before he had a chance to give some snarky reply and embarrass the girl further, I spoke up, hoping my voice didn’t sound as shaken as I felt. “Johnny, it’s me.”

He was silent a beat, then scoffed. “The fuck do you want?”

“I was a dick, I know,” I gritted out. “This is not the right time, but we need you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I need your help.”

“With what?”

“Look at a fucking map, Johnny. Where can we go?” I gave him our current location. “We need someplace hidden.”

“Is this a joke?” He scoffed. “I don’t have time for this!” he nearly shouted, and Kaylie flinched.

“Do I have to fucking beg?”

Another silence. Then Johnny sighed. “You owe me an explanation.” He hesitated, then asked, “Are you all right?”

I scoffed. “Would I ask for your help I was?”

“Point taken,” he muttered. “Marc?”

I was just about to answer when the car swayed sideways. “Shit!” Kaylie cried out. “Behind us!”

I instinctively twisted to look and cried out as the sudden sharp pain seared through the arm. “FUCK!”

“Marc?” Johnny tried. “The fuck’s going on?”

I couldn’t speak. Not yet.

“Katie?” Johnny tried.

“Kaylie,” she corrected in a startled breath. “Please hurry. We need to get out of here, they’re—” her voice broke, and she tried again. “They’re after us, and Marc is injured.”

“I’ll find something.” He cut the call, and Kaylie hit the gas so suddenly my stomach rolled, and breath caught in my throat from the sudden force.
