Page 30 of My Everything

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I pushed the door hard, but it didn’t open. Something in me clenched.Locked? My first instinct was to call out to Marc, but before his name slipped off my tongue, it dawned on me. He wasn’t there. I wasn’t with him—and would never be again. I tried the door again just to take my mind off the devastating realization.Locked.

“Hey!” Panic rose in my throat. “Let me out!

The lock clicked, and the third time I pushed against the door, it opened. I stumbled out, blinking at the strange setting. Sharp lights shone down on me from tall pillars. Above them rose a mansion similar to my father’s. White. Massive.Beautiful. It was at least three stories tall. White stone pillars rising into the dark sky above, forming what I guessed was a balcony at the top.

“Glad to see you’re awake.” Mr. X slapped an arm around my shoulders, guiding me toward the entrance. “Welcome to Bloomsbury Hills. My staff will make you feel at home.”

I followed, trying to feel anything but numb. I wasn’t supposed to be here. In this strange house full of strange people. As I stepped through the giant wooden doors to a magnificent hall, I felt it even more. Even though the place looked just as strict ashome, with the empty walls and smooth cold floors, I felt far from home.

“How long do I have to stay here?” The moment I asked, guilt flooded me. How rude did that sound? These people took me in to help me. At least I could show some gratitude. Andhow longdidn’t really matter when I stopped taking my medicine. With a sinking feeling in my gut, I started to suspect I would never make it back to my father.


“Mr. X,” I began as he strode ahead of me across a polished hardwood floor. “My father gave me… I need new—”

He cut me off. “I will show you your room. Get some rest. Breakfast is served at seven a.m. I expect you to be present.”


He stopped so abruptly I bumped into him. “In this house, you do as I say. Nobuts. Understood?”

His sudden harsh words made me take a step back in shock. So much for that smooth smile andmake-yourself-at-homespeech. “Yes, sir,” I whispered. “It’s just that I need—”

“You will have everything you need. Now follow me.”

Before I could get another word out, he steered toward a grant staircase. Each step was draped in white carpet, and in the tall ceiling hung the biggest crystal chandelier I ever saw.

Mr. X led me past several doors in a long corridor that reminded me of a hotel, rather than a home, to finally open one to the left and I followed inside. The room was huge, bigger than my room at home. A soft white carpet covered the floor. A tall window decorated the outer wall. Heavy black velvet curtains were pulled aside, and the window was slightly opened, letting in a soft breeze.

My gaze fell on the bed. King-sized, and made to perfection with white sheets and black throw pillows decorating the top.

“Get some rest,” Mr. X spoke up. “You have a private bathroom just past that door.” He pointed to a door to the right, and I managed a weak nod. Taking my eyes off the bathroom door, I dragged them over the furniture. A sitting area with white leather couches and a dark glass table. A bookcase—I did a double-take.A bookcase?Filled with books.

“I heard you like to read,” Mr. X said, and I spun to stare at him. How long did he expect me to be here?

If the constant fear of suddenly dropping dead didn’t haunt me, I might have enjoyed my stay. It topped the shady motels Marc took me to…

Marc… His gorgeous face flashed through my mind, and that warmth spread through my loins at the mere thought of his lips on mine.

The door clicked shut, snapping me from my daydreams. I spun on my heels, finding myself alone. My bag sat by the door, and as I reached for it, another feeling struck me. My hand trembled as I gripped the door handle and turned it. I somehow expected it, but confirming I was locked in sent little chills skittering up my spine. I gave the door a good tug, clinging to the hope that it was just heavy. It didn’t budge.

My hand dropped along with my hope, and the feeling of unease intensified. Something wasn’t right. I felt it the moment I saw Mr. X and even more so as I got into the car with him.

I staggered back from the door on weak legs.Breathe. I told myself. Panicking never helped. I was supposed to be safe here. Whoever was after me could never find me. Or so I hoped. Was locking me in a way to ensure my safety? I’ve been confined to the estate for as long as I could remember, for the exact same reasons.

But there, I was allowed to walk free in the house and even in the gardens and the pool area. The few times I had to leave the perimeter, I was escorted by my father or his guards. Was it the same here? Did Mr. X simply take his task at keeping me well protected too far? Was this my father’s order to make sure nothing happened to me? I scoffed. His overprotectiveness sometimes drove me nuts, and this was one notch too tight on the collar he forced around my neck.

Sinking onto the shiny white couch, I ran my hand over the smooth leather, then leaned back and closed my eyes in a weak attempt to calm my pulse. It thundered in my temples. Each tap brining me closer to the end. My father’s words echoed in my head.

“Keep your blood pressure and heart rate as low as possible.”

It was easier said than done when people tried to kill me, and I was locked away like freaking Rapunzel in a faraway tower. The fear of the fear was enough to skyrocket my pulse. And without the medicine, I felt it stronger than ever. I felt my heart. My blood as it rushed through my body.

I tried to tell him. If he found me dead in the morning, it wasn’t my fault. How many days had I been without my pills? I lost track of time in the car with Marc. Days blurred together as his presence was the worst distraction I ever experienced. Yet, I found myself longing to be back with him. It didn’t matter that he didn’t want me in the same way. In my mind, I was already with him. Touching him the way I wanted to, but was never allowed. Feeling his strong hands on my body. Kissing him…


I woke to a woman staring down at me. A startled yelp slipped past my lips as I shuffled away from her and shot to my feet. Momentarily surprised how the fast movement didn’t leave me dizzy on the verge of fainting, I blinked at the woman in alarm.
