Page 46 of My Everything

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“Please, be alive.”

I tried. I fucking tried. But I was too tired…

“I can see why you’re into him,” Alex spoke with his face locked on the monitors back in his room. “He’s hot.”

I stood in the middle of the room catching my breath from the sprint.

“Even half dead he’s fucking stunning.” Alex turned from the screen to me, and I lifted my gaze to glare at him as he went on. “It’s obvious you’re hot for him.”

“So what if I am?” I snapped. “He’ll die there, and I can’t do anything to help him.” The moment I said it, the reality hit hard, knocking the little air I could catch, out of my lungs. I promised him, and there was no way I could see it through. I was just as much of a prisoner as he was.

“I can,” Alex said it with confidence I doubted. He didn’t even have the balls to stick up to his father. Not that I blamed him after knowing what the man was capable of. In one way, Alex too, was a slave of this place. We were all in the mercy of Mr. X and there was nothing we could do about it.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Do as I say, and I’ll keep your bodyguard alive.”

“How will you do that?” I forced myself to stay focused, to not let my heart rush into something without using my brain too. “How can you promise that?”

“That’s my problem not yours.”

I snorted. “I need more than that.”

“You’re smarter than you look,” Alex grinned.

I shot him my best glare, adding. “What does Mr. X want with him? Why is he even there?”

Alex hesitated, and I tried to decide whether it was from avoidance, or ignorance. “He wants you to believe he’s dead,” he thought out loud. “He told you so.”

I nodded, urging him on with my eyes.

He shrugged. “He’s a sadist, Kaylie. He’s playing with him for fun.”

An iron fist clenched my heart until it hurt, physically. Cold dread filled me, drowning me in growing despair. It wasnotwhat I wanted to hear. Without a real motive or reason to keep Marc alive, then what stopped him from simply executing him on the spot? What happened when he grew tired of his sick games? He’d kill him. Tears burned behind my eyes as hopelessness draped over me like a dark curtain. No matter what I did, nothing was good enough.

“Then why should I give you what you want?” My voice was choked, but I didn’t care. “Even if you help him, what’s stopping your father from shooting him whenever he wants?”

Alex’s face hardened, and I went on, pushing through the hurt and the devastating images painted in my mind. If I stopped to think. To feel. I’d lose my courage. “What if it was your boyfriend there?”

The pained look on his face encouraged me to continue. “What if you had to sit here and watch him being tortured. Would you have been okay with that?”

“Of course not!” he snarled. “But it’s not, okay?” He stalked toward the door, yanking it open. A silent gesture for me to get lost. “It’s not,” he repeated in a whisper, and my eyes darted to his face. Reading the truth in his dark orbs.

“You know how this feel.” I inched closer to him. “Your boyfriend was there too.”


“How did you get him out?” I stepped closer, grabbed the door, and swung it shut. “Tell me!”

“I’m not doing that again. It’s too risky.”

I gaped at him. There was a way. He knew a freaking way and he refused. I couldn’t accept it. “Please!”

He shook his head, adding. “He’s not strong enough to make it.”

I squeezed my eyes shut to trap the moisture inside. Alex was right. Mr. X had already done too much damage. Marc could barely move across the tiny cell without blacking out. How would he be able to make it out and away? I shook my head, refusing to give up without trying. He deserved better than this. “He’s strong. He’ll make it.”

Alex laughed. “He’s half dead, Kaylie. He won’t make it across the wall. He’ll get both of us killed.”

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