Page 45 of My Everything

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If I could only meet her halfway. If I died trying, I no longer cared. Time was running out. She knew it as well as I did, even though she didn’t say it. I was on my last fumes, barely hanging on to life that seemed to slip past my fingers.

I let go of my arm and used the healthy one to push my body into motion. Hot pain spread though me like a rush of fire, and it took all I had not to scream as I stumbled to my feet and across the tiny space. I collapsed against the bars, my fingers sweaty and slippery as I clung to the cold iron.

Her hands were on me, fumbling and desperate as she tried to keep me steady. The room spun and swayed like a ship caught in a storm. The light above flickered.Dark. Light. Dark.Nauseated and dizzy from the feeling, I let my forehead fall against the bars.

I couldn’t see.


Black spots danced before my eyes, and cold sweat made me shiver and burn all at once.

“Hey, hey.” Her hands were on my face, one stroking my sweaty skin while the other gripped my upper arm. “Look at me. Focus on me.”


I lifted my gaze, trying to see her there. After a few minutes of shaky breaths, my vision cleared. She was so close I could kiss her, her face just inches from mine, and all I could focus on was not puking from the goddamn pain.

“He did this to you?” Her eyes roamed over my chest, momentarily closing at the sight of the torn skin. But what she saw was nothing. The fucking wound itself I could handle. It was what was broken inside that tortured me. From the excruciating pain that never left me alone, it was bad.

“It’s worse than it looks, isn’t it?” she voiced my exact thoughts, and I managed a weak nod.

“I’m so sorry,” she stroked my face, and I leaned into her touch. “You’re so warm.” Her voice hitched, and the sympathy on her face turned into worry. “It’s cold here.” Her eyes darted around before coming to rest on me. Tears trailed down her skin, and I wanted to touch them, but didn’t dare to move.

Her fingers wrapped over my hand still clutching the iron, and I closed my eyes, focusing on the feel. Her other hand stayed on my face, stroking my hair and skin until I felt myself relax against the bars. If I focused hard enough on her touch, I could almost pretend the pain wasn’t there.Almost. But it was enough for me to lose myself in her. To let it consume me in a way I never allowed before.

Her fingers gently lifted my chin, and then her lips brushed over mine. They parted by reflex, and she smiled against them. Her soft puffs of air as she hovered over my mouth was the air I needed to breathe. Then she kissed me again, this time with more fierceness. The little energy I had left was hers, and I’d be damned if I didn’t use it to give her what she needed in our last moment together. A groan escaped me as she slid her tongue over mine, and this time it had nothing to do with pain. I kissed her back, as deep, and hard as I could without moving a goddamn muscle.

The door burst open, followed by a voice that made her jerk her head around, and gasp. My eyes slowly followed as my brain tried to take in the abrupt shift.

A man stood in the door. He was shorter than me, but well-built and tall, wearing black pants and a gray shirt. His hair was black too, and so were the eyes that stared back at me before skipping to Kaylie.

“What the hell are you doing?” he hissed. “I told you twenty minutes. You have to get the hell out of here. NOW!”

Desperation took over her face. Her eyes darted between me, and the younger man, only to stop at me.

“I have to go,” she whispered, regret shining in her eyes. “I’ll be back.” She turned and hurried toward the door, hesitated, then flew back, grabbing my face and pressing her lips to mine. “Stay.” She pulled away just as fast. “Please stay.”

“Do I look like I can go anywhere?” The sneer I attempted was just another grimace of pain, and she smiled at my pathetic attempt to stay myself. I knew damn well what she was telling me, but I couldn’t promise her that. My chances of survival were just as slim as hers.

“Kaylie!” The man snapped, roughly grabbing her arm, and tugging her back. “Now!”

She gave me one last caress, then let herself be dragged away. The door clicked shut with a finality that made me sag against the bars.

Should I be happy I got this moment with her? Or should I regret being reminded of what I could never have? The questions had no answer, and I had no energy to care.

“I don’t have much time…”

Her words resounded in my head. Was this it? Would I ever see her again?

Something Mr. X said came creeping back as I sunk to the floor.

“I do appreciate how you ignored her calls for help. But aren’t you the least bit curious what she had to say?”

I squeezed my eyes shut, letting my head fall back against the bars as I tried to brace the bad side. Clutching the arm to my side did nothing to still the fire inside, and the more it burned the darker the room grew.

“He’s forcing me to marry. Get me out of here, Marc please!”

Barely conscious, I heard her voice as in a haze.
