Page 88 of My Everything

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That was a week ago. I still fought. There was no other way. But I was lying to myself. Keeping her at a distance fucking killed me. I needed her, and denying myself everything she was, slowly ate away at my sanity.

Izzy reduced whatever she fed me, and with the lower doses, my mind started to function again. I was no longer trapped in a fog and thoughts came clear and sharp as they should. It led me to their ballroom and the shiny lights glittering in the tall stone ceiling above.

Keeping to a corner, I studied the faces of the guests with suspicion. No doubt they were people the twins knew well enough to trust in their home. But to me, they were nothing but potential threats. With the staff, there were over twenty people in the room. Under normal circumstances, that wasn’t something that would faze me. I was used to fucking crowds from working for Johnny. But since Kaylie… since everything went to hell, even two were more than I was comfortable with.

The fucking party was everything I hated. Now more than ever. I couldn’t even dress properly, but I didn’t give a shit about the curious looks of passersby. With the goddamn sling, a shirt was too complicated. Instead, I simply wore a tux jacket above the whole shit, trying to keep it from gaping open too much, but not quite managing, as female eyes kept drifting to my flashing bare skin from across the room.

A slap on my back abruptly transported me out of my head back to the room. A brown-haired guy accompanying Dominic handed me a tall glass. “You look like you need this.”

I scoffed. “Nothing stronger?”

“The night’s still young.” He held out his hand. “We’re not formally introduced. I’m Max.”

I nodded to him, already having my hand occupied and one out of use.

He grinned, showing a set of white teeth, dropping his hand and watched me down the champagne in one long gulp before handing the glass to a passing servant. Turning my eyes back to the guy, a strange feeling of having seen him before swept over me. Something about the man was familiar. His light brown eyes, twinkling with the same warmth as Julies… I stopped my train of thought before it took me places I didn’t want to go.

Dominic spoke, but my eyes were on Kaylie as she entered with Izzy. His voice tuned out until all I heard was the pounding of my heart.Fuck. I wasn’t prepared for this. The blue dress, the same fucking color as her bright ocean blue eyes, made it impossible to look away. It clung to her body, enhancing each curve as she moved toward me. My eyes roamed over her, from her black hair, softly falling in dark locks around her pale shoulders, to a deep cleavage that showed more of her silky skin than I could handle. Tearing my gaze off her breasts, I dragged it down her body, and gulped as the dress ended just mid-thigh, showing off her slender legs.Shit. The jacket was suddenly too warm. The slacks too tight.

“Told you he’d be hot for you.” Izzy’s voice snapped me out of the trance, and my eyes darted to her as they came to a halt in front of me and the guys. She too looked stunning in her back little piece, but my eyes drifted back to Kaylie. No one else compared.

“Hi Max,” she said with a wink. “You look good.”

“So do you.” His eyes roamed over her, and a warm smile curved his lips. “As always.”

Dominic jerked his head in the direction of the guests, and my gaze followed, locking on a redhead in a black leather dress.

“Roni deserves better,” Izzy muttered, eyeing the redhead as well, before pinning Dominic with her dark eyes. “You’ll never give her what she needs. Let her go.”

Dom lifted a lazy eyebrow in question. “And what’s that?”

“Your heart.”

He scoffed, shooting Izzy a dark look before turning to leave. He paused, speaking over his shoulder. “I don’t have a heart.”

Izzy shook her head as he left, muttering under her breath, “I wish that wasn’t true.”

She smiled at Kaylie, letting go of her arm, and grabbed Max’s instead before dragging him off after her brother.

“Damn,” I breathed, “You look fucking amazing.”

Kaylie smiled that innocent smile that made my knees weak. She stepped closer, and I had to fight the urge to grab her and crush her to me.

“You don’t look so bad yourself.” She reached out, adjusting my jacket before letting a hand slip inside. It landed on my stomach, and the mere contact sent my pulse into overdrive. One more step, and she was close enough to slide her arm around me. But instead, she just stood there, burning my skin with her touch until I wasn’t sure I could handle it.

“Kay,” I tried, and she silenced me with her lips against mine. Her other hand came to rest on my neck, tugging my head closer to hers for more.

Instead of speaking, of trying to think at all, I gave in, groaning against her mouth as her fingers slid over my bare skin hidden under the jacket.

She kissed me until I was breathless, and then some. When she finally stepped away, a playful grin adorned those delicious lips.

“You don’t know what you’re doing,” I growled. By the grin on her face, she did know, and she enjoyed it. Her eyes slid down my body, making me grow harder under her knowing gaze.

“Fuck, Kaylie.” I turned away from her and the curious eyes directed our way. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?”

I scoffed, but my lips twisted into a smirk. “Like you want to rip my clothes of.”

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