Page 89 of My Everything

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She lifted her gaze, locking those irresistible blue eyes on mine. “Maybe I do.”

“And I fucking want you to,” I hissed. “You don’t know how bad.”

“Hold that thought.”

I swallowed hard, and she grinned. Taking my hand, she led me toward a group of people across the room. I pulled her to a halt, digging my heals into the polished stone floor. “Give me a fucking break.”


Kaylie enjoyed herself more than I expected from her sheltered life. Maybe her being deprived of a social life was the reason she was overly excited to meet new people, and it didn’t help that Izzy’s outgoing and flirty attitude encouraged her.

Her butterfly touches and long looks when she wasn’t near me had me wishing this shit could be overnow, rather than later. If I could just have her alone…

Johnny stayed in his room, not caring for the attention, and I envied his freedom of choice. I had to play the fucking hero. The prisoner who got away. The missing piece in their dirty puzzle of information against their enemy.

When Kaylie was busy chatting with Izzy and getting drunk on champagne, I left. One more second of this torture and I’d go mad.

Walking past an open door on the second floor, I caught Dominic’s voice. Slowing my pace, I lingered, sneering at the redhead bouncing on his lap while Izzy’s words resounded in my head.

She deserves better.

I silently scoffed. From the sounds she made, she was more than satisfied. And I wasn’t the only one bored with Izzy’s party. Well, at least one of us got laid tonight. Listening to the redhead’s dirty talk made my cock twitch as images of Kaylie replaced her.

“I know you’re there.” Dominic’s voice snapped me out of it, and before he could tell me to fuck off, or join in—I left.

I found Johnny in one of the guest rooms, talking to his girlfriend on speaker.

My hand hovered in the air, debating whether to knock or leave him to it. He stood in the window overlooking the forest outside. A graying wooden floor stretched out between us, and his voice was crisp and clear in the sparely decorated room. A bed, as big and wide as the one Kaylie and I shared, occupied the left side, and to the right, a group of matching furniture stood on top of a dark green rug.

I knocked.

His eyebrows lifted in surprise as he saw me standing in the door.

“Hey, Bree, gotta go.” He cut the call and strolled to meet me halfway. “Tired of partying already?”

“I was never in the mood in the first place,” I muttered. “Kaylie’s fucking ecstatic, though. And Dominic’s fucking some redhead down the hall.”

Johnny’s eyebrows rose, and a grin tugged at his lips. “Sounds like you’re pissed you’re missing out.”

I huffed. “Sex is my last priority right now.”

“Bloody liar.”

I shot him a glare. It wasn’t a lie. It was just… too fucking complicated. One part of me wanted what Izzy accused her brother of having. Detached, emotionless sex. Everything was so much easier when there was no feeling involved. So muchsafer. I couldn’t go back to that. But I also couldn’t go forward.

“You haven’t screwed her yet?” Johnny asked, earning him another glare. “Hey, about her…” he continued, and the teasing sneer faded to awkward hesitation. I scowled at his fidgeting with the leather cuff that never left his wrist. Whatever he had on his mind. He was obviously holding back. I was in no mood for some goddamn lecture concerning my sex-life, or the lack thereof.

“Just fucking say it!”

A ghost of a smile flitted across his lips. Then he sighed, shuffling his feet before lifting his dark gaze to mine. “You’re sure about her?” he asked, and with that, having my full attention.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Just…” he looked down at his hands, and I waited for the words that never came.

“Johnny!” I snapped my fingers in his face for attention. “If you have a problem with her, then say it.” My voice was cold, even for me. His eyes widened, then he scoffed.

“I know she’s more than a hot body. I see how you are around he,” he said. “Just… I don’t want it to end badly.”
