Page 61 of Fanged Interest

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Only when her hips were bucking beneath me and her body wracked in the thrall of an orgasm, did I tear my mouth away from her. “You taste better than before. Like wow, why didn’t you turn me sooner?”

Jordan laughed between gasps and I released her, moving to lie beside her twitching, satiated body. Gathering her up in my arms I brushed my lips against hers, losing myself in her tousled red hair.

The first rays of dawn illuminated our tangled embrace, the world outside awakened to a new day. My body felt strong, different, able to match Jordan and sometimes even surpass her.

But I wasn’t afraid of this change, I welcomed it.

In Jordan’s arms, I knew I would always find solace, passion, and a love that defied the boundaries of time.

Chapter 29


Ayearhadgoneby in what felt like days.

From the roof of my apartment, the fireworks show was a gorgeous affair. My eyes traced each burst of light and color, following pinwheels as they faded into the black of the night sky. Below, New York was celebrating the new year, and thumping music could be heard from all corners of the city.

So much had changed since that fateful night when I first found Sky. So much had been set into motion because of that brief but powerful encounter.

These days, since coming into my power, nobody dared question my rule. The Leyore Coven was more stable than ever, and slowly mending their bond with our witchy companions.

My throne was further solidified at the discovery of a letter.

As it turned out, Alberich had left something behind. A letter, written with the intention of setting things right after he and his lover planned to escape the city. Alberich had clearly stated that he intended for me to take over the throne, a revelation in writing that had brought tears to my eyes the first time I read those words.

In stark contrast to the events of the previous year, things could not have gone better. The High Stakes business was thriving more than ever, and both Maxine and Hunter would not shut up about it. Unfortunately, their bickering in the office hadn’t changed, and everyone knew to stay out of their way when those two butted heads.

We were also happy to hear that Sky’s mother was doing better, meaning I would finally get a chance to meet the woman. While this was something to celebrate, we would have to work on some elaborate cover story to explain Sky’s month-long absence during her transformation period.

Not to mention an explanation for the fact that the woman’s daughter was now a fully-fledged vampire. But we would cross that bridge when we got to it.

I was pulled from my musing by two long arms wrapping around my shoulders. Sky, with her baby fangs, pretended to clamp down on the side of my neck. “Got you,” she murmured, her words muffled against my skin.

“Oh no!” I leaned against her, tilting my head back as another burst of fireworks careered across the sky. “A bloodthirsty vampire! What big teeth you have.”

“Not funny.” Sky sulked, propping her chin on my shoulder to watch the light show.

For reasons neither of us could understand, Sky’s fangs had remained tiny, barely competing with the emerging canines that the twins donned these days.

She could still bite just fine, the many puncture wounds on my body were a testament to that, but they remained little pin pricks in her mouth, only just visible from beneath her lips. Needless to say, River and Dylan took great pleasure in teasing her for them.

“Maybe you’re a different kind of vampire?” I teased, tilting my head to kiss her cheek. “Maybe you’re a fruit-bat kind of vamp. Those baby teeth could suck the life right out of an unsuspecting apple.”

“Maybe I should toss you off this balcony.” Sky rolled her eyes, but her arms tightened around me and she turned her head to kiss me back. “You know, in all my years this was not where I saw myself ending up.”

“Are you complaining?” I watched her expression from the corner of my eye as the crowds below us began the new year countdown. “If you knew then what you know now, would you have done things differently?”

Sky leaned her cheek against mine, swaying our bodies in time with the warbling music that erupted from the windows of a nearby building. The countdown came to an end, ushering in a new year with another volley of fireworks that lit up the sky.

“I would do it all over again,” Sky murmured, her eyes fixed on the night sky and the flickering lights. “In fact, If I had to redo it, I would have set out to find you first.”

With a lump in my throat I leaned into her embrace, blinking back tears with a loud sniff. “Aren’t we supposed to kiss now? We missed the countdown!”

Sky needed no more coaxing, twisting me in her arms. “We’ll get it right next year. And the year after that, and the year after that.”

She pressed her lips to mine as the sky above us exploded with dazzling lights.

When we finally broke apart Sky held me close, her eyes reflecting the sparkling display of lights above us. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my very long life with you.”
