Page 60 of Fanged Interest

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“Come back,” she stated plainly, although I wasn’t sure what she meant. I had no idea where I was, I didn’t know my own name.

“Come back,” the woman said again, her words echoing through the labyrinth. “Come home.”

The dream woman’s hand reached out, her fingers brushing against my own. Warmth spread up my arm, pulsing through my body, an inexplicable connection forming between us. I felt a flicker of recognition at the woman’s touch, but it was fleeting.

“Where is home?” I asked as the woman guided me through the labyrinth, her bare feet barely touching the ground as she moved. “Where are we going?”

With a sudden tug, the dream woman pulled me upwards. The labyrinth morphed before my eyes, twisting and curling into oblivion as I was pulled through an invisible barrier by the woman’s guiding hand.

Breaking through the darkness, my eyes flew open. I was lying on my back, my head propped up on something soft, warm, and familiar.

Confusion mingled with faint panic as I took in my surroundings. Brilliant sunlight beat down on my face, warming my unusually cold skin. My eyes focused on the face that hovered above me, red hair tumbling down on either side like a veil. Jordan’s features became clear, my mate, who watched me with tender concern.

Her voice, filled with both relief and trepidation, broke the silence. “You’re awake.”

My eyes widened, the memory of the dream already hazy. But the memory of what had happened before that—the battle, the werewolf, the shard of glass piercing my heart, all came rushing back. “What happened?” I struggled to sit upright, examining my chest for the terrible bloody wound. But the skin of my chest was smooth, visible through the gash in my stained red gown.

I glanced down at my hands, noticing the subtle changes—paler skin, veins beneath the surface pulsing with newfound vitality. The realization dawned slowly. “I don’t understand… I was dying—I was dead.”

I touched my fingers to the side of my neck, feeling two small dents in the soft flesh beneath.

Tears welled in Jordan’s eyes as she closed her hand over mine, our skin now an identical shade of ivory.

“I did this... for us,” Jordan murmured, her voice trembling with raw emotion. “I couldn’t bear to lose you. I’m sorry. I know it was selfish of me but I couldn’t–”

I closed the distance between us, my heart swelling with gratitude, warmth and unconditional love as I pressed my lips to hers. The scent of my mate enveloped me, far more apparent with my heightened senses.

“Don’t ever apologize for this,” I whispered, my voice filled with a profound depth of emotion. “You’ve given me a gift more precious than gold. Now I can live by your side forever.”

Jordan’s arms tightened around me, relief coaxing tears from her eyes. Our lips met in a tender kiss, sealing the eternal bond that shimmered between us. The world around us fell away, leaving only an undying love and the promise of a future forever intertwined.

“Watch it, you’re going to bite my finger off.” Jordan yanked her index out of my mouth, rolling away under the covers. “Dear god, I’ve created a monster!”

Giggling as I dove under the blankets after her, I flashed my baby fangs, playfully nipping at her shoulder. Jordan played along, grappling with me as we tumbled around the bed. I had only been a vampire for a few days by then, freshly turned, and still riding the high of the experience.

My eyes had remained a deep crimson since that day in the greenhouse when Jordan bit me. Apparently I was experiencing the euphoria of the turning, something that gave me increased strength, heightened senses and a crippling thirst. Luckily, Jordan had stocked up on plenty of vampire liquor and I had spent the first week after the battle in a drunken stupor.

We had holed up in Jordan’s apartment while the estate was rebuilt. Sigrid and the twins were living with the witches until their home was ready for them, something Ursula had been incredibly pleased about and Sigrid had not.

I had just managed to pin Jordan beneath me, reveling in my new vampiric strength when a new urge took hold.

I shimmied my way down Jordan’s stomach, heightened senses picking up on the steady thump of her heart and the tantalizing taste of her skin.

“Tell me how it feels.” Jordan’s breath caught in her throat when my hand slid up her calf. “I’ve been a vampire all my life. I’ve never experienced the switch from human to newborn bloodsucker.”

“It’s overwhelming,” I murmured, leaning toward her to wrap my fingers around her leg and hold her still as my mouth found her skin. “I can feel everything more intensely than before. Every taste, touch… It’s like waking up from a very long dream.”

My lips were cool against her skin and Jordan moaned softly as my tongue traced a short path up the soft flesh of her inner thigh.

I took care to be gentle as I moved closer to her center, my hand sliding up her thigh to cup her ass. Never before had I needed to worry about hurting my beloved. But now, I could feel new strength rippling in my muscles, and it took concentration to move gently, keeping my cool caresses light and teasing when I could quite literally snap her in half if I was of a mind to do so.

This was how Jordan must have felt with me, even more so considering my fragile human form which she had navigated so carefully, something which had never been so apparent since I had come into vampiric power of my own.

I had to wonder how I had once managed to put that aspect of vampires, the dangerous part of my lover, out of my mind for so long. Was it so easy to forget?

Maybe it was, and maybe that was love, I thought while my lips brushed down over her mound and my tongue flicked lightly at the exposed and apparently incredibly sensitive nub of flesh beneath. Jordan gasped and reached down to clasp the back of my head as I wrapped my arms around her thighs and pulled her closer.

Powered by an urge I had yet to learn to control, I wasted no more time with teasing and my mouth moved to cover her sex completely, my probing tongue dipping deep between the folds. Jordan let out a gasp and immediately tilted her hips to allow me better access.
